I was thinking, is there any thing that makes wielding one lightsabre better against wielding 2 lightsabres (Does anyone do it)?
Because (off the top of my noggin) the main drawback of dual wielding is decreased accuracy, which is improved with the feat.
And dueling feat improves damage and defense when wielding one lightsabre.
However, the damage brought by the second lightsabre (plus the greater amount of crystals) makes dual wield more damaging than one lightsabre with dueling feat. Furthermore, the extra cyrstals the second lightsabre allows can improve defense and/or stats and/or accuracy.
So basically, does anyone wield only one lightsabre? If so, then why? (I haven't played in a while, so I can't quite remember anything special about it)
Dual wield vs Dueling (Potential for slight spoilers)
Dual wield vs Dueling (Potential for slight spoilers)
"It is not a Commonwealth division, it is an Australian Division. Why, give me two Australian Divisions and I will conquer the world for you!" - The Desert Fox
Dueling feats are only important during the early stages of the game (and even then possibly not so much if you are playing on normal difficulty). Once you have levelled up sufficiently, the defence and attack bonus granted by your level make the dueling feat superfluous.
Duel wield/doubleblade is clearly superior as the ability to do damage becomes massively emphasized as the game progresses. Duel wield edges ahead of doubleblade simply because of the additional two upgrade crystals and the improved chance of a critical strike. Teamed with master speed, master flurry and a keen crystal (Nextor or similar) in both sabers, duel wield is simply unstoppable.
Single wield is generally the choice of those who wish to roleplay the idea of "starwars-ness". The films have never shown a Jedi with a doubleblade and only one Jedi has been seen using duel wield in the Geonosis arena sequence in Episode II.
There seems to be no other reason. The weaponmaster prestige class grants additional bonuses to duel wield (more two weapon feats) but not to single wield, which seems to be particularly odd...
Duel wield/doubleblade is clearly superior as the ability to do damage becomes massively emphasized as the game progresses. Duel wield edges ahead of doubleblade simply because of the additional two upgrade crystals and the improved chance of a critical strike. Teamed with master speed, master flurry and a keen crystal (Nextor or similar) in both sabers, duel wield is simply unstoppable.
Single wield is generally the choice of those who wish to roleplay the idea of "starwars-ness". The films have never shown a Jedi with a doubleblade and only one Jedi has been seen using duel wield in the Geonosis arena sequence in Episode II.
There seems to be no other reason. The weaponmaster prestige class grants additional bonuses to duel wield (more two weapon feats) but not to single wield, which seems to be particularly odd...
LucasArts in interview with GameSpy, September 2004
"We were hoping we could bring the Xbox platform into December but didn't want to make the formal announcement until we knew an earlier ship date would not compromise the quality of The Sith Lords," says Producer Mike Gallo.
dueling is better at just that -- dueling. The higher attack is only useful against hard-to-hit opponents. look at the the numbers:
1 saber, 100 dmg hit 70% ---> 70 avg. dmg
2 sabers, 200 dmg, hit 55% --->110 avg. dmg
1 saber, 100 dmg, hit 20% ---> 20 avg dmg
2 sabers, 200 dmg hit 5% --> 10 avg dmg
so, as the name says, better for duals but not as good for crushing peasants.
1 saber, 100 dmg hit 70% ---> 70 avg. dmg
2 sabers, 200 dmg, hit 55% --->110 avg. dmg
1 saber, 100 dmg, hit 20% ---> 20 avg dmg
2 sabers, 200 dmg hit 5% --> 10 avg dmg
so, as the name says, better for duals but not as good for crushing peasants.
Well, using random numbers just about anything can be "proven"
Personally, unless I play(ed) a Jedi Guardian/Weaponmaster - I stayed with single lightsabre, because I felt it suited the character most - it was how I'd picture my characters would wield weapons.
You do plenty of damage in this game either way, and the latter parts of the game can be done withouth even delivering a single blow with your sabre but using just force powers - so my advice is to choose what suits you best as a player or if some roleplaying is applied, what suit your character best. I just think it looks better and less "fluffed" to use a single blade
There is however no doubt in my mind, and numbers would add to this I'm sure, that dual wielding will come out higher on a damage chart. The to-hit bonus is high enough in the game that the loss from dualwielding compared to dueling is minor, whereas the damage potential gained from an extra attack is larger. But again - damage in the game is high enough that you can kill almost any non-boss monster with a single master flurry if it connects (especially if under the influence of Speed-power) and you have upgraded your sabre some. And seeing as you can only attack one target per round, then the damage gained by dualwielding is perhaps not really that great because much of it is wasted
So, dueling is in my book and for my playstyle, more for a defensive character or as mentioend ealier - roleplaying reasons (And yes, I know some roleplay using dualwielding also, but now I was talking about why to choose single blade vs. dual blades) whereas dualwielding is for pure powerpotential.
Personally, unless I play(ed) a Jedi Guardian/Weaponmaster - I stayed with single lightsabre, because I felt it suited the character most - it was how I'd picture my characters would wield weapons.
You do plenty of damage in this game either way, and the latter parts of the game can be done withouth even delivering a single blow with your sabre but using just force powers - so my advice is to choose what suits you best as a player or if some roleplaying is applied, what suit your character best. I just think it looks better and less "fluffed" to use a single blade
There is however no doubt in my mind, and numbers would add to this I'm sure, that dual wielding will come out higher on a damage chart. The to-hit bonus is high enough in the game that the loss from dualwielding compared to dueling is minor, whereas the damage potential gained from an extra attack is larger. But again - damage in the game is high enough that you can kill almost any non-boss monster with a single master flurry if it connects (especially if under the influence of Speed-power) and you have upgraded your sabre some. And seeing as you can only attack one target per round, then the damage gained by dualwielding is perhaps not really that great because much of it is wasted
So, dueling is in my book and for my playstyle, more for a defensive character or as mentioend ealier - roleplaying reasons (And yes, I know some roleplay using dualwielding also, but now I was talking about why to choose single blade vs. dual blades) whereas dualwielding is for pure powerpotential.
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