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Is there a way to...

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Is there a way to...

Post by /\/\etallipath »

Is there anyway to lower my attributes on the XBOX version of the game?
I was really bad at the game when I got Keening and Sunder so I used the cheat to get them to raise my stats (the one you can use with bound weapons). I think jail only works for stats. But I would really like to have the game way more challenging. I have difficulty on 100 but i kill most people with one hit. This is ruining my game. Please help if you know a way. thanks
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Post by Alien_Newborn »

you could always enchant some exquisite clothing/rings/amulets with a CE drain attribute enchantment, but that won't change it permanently. That's the problem with the XBOX version, is that you have to live with anything that you mess up. I can't really think of anything else, but there may be a way I couldn't think of.
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Post by Phreddie »

Buy a soul trap spell then buy a drain skill spell.
Make a spell that does:
Drain <insert skill here>: power=x-x (x= however much you want to drain in one spell, can depend on how high your alteration is) on self with a time of 1 second.
Soutrap for one second on target.

this will **permanently** add the affect to you, it can be used with a variety of affects, just watch out unless there is an opposite affect i.e drain attribute to fortify, you cannot raise it again... so dont drain your skills to much, if ur on xbox and dont have goty then you cannot get a fortify skill spell.
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Post by /\/\etallipath »

ok thanks ill try those, this should really make the game more enjoyable. :)
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Post by fable »

Potions. That are numerous potions that will drain attributes. They're relatively cheap to make, too.
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Post by Phreddie »

[QUOTE=fable]Potions. That are numerous potions that will drain attributes. They're relatively cheap to make, too.[/QUOTE]
They arent permanent are they? I have yet to find a potion with a permanent effect... of course i have never looked for one specificaly...
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Post by Luis Antonio »

[QUOTE=Phreddie]They arent permanent are they? I have yet to find a potion with a permanent effect... of course i have never looked for one specificaly...[/QUOTE]
They aint permanent. The best your alchemy skill the longer they'll last. But the effects aint permanent.
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