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Help for House Hlalu

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Help for House Hlalu

Post by WoodElfChampion »

I need to know how to get out of Assermanu. The doors have "locked" behind me. Don't have any recal spells. Need help
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dragon wench
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Post by dragon wench »

If you are on PC you could use the console to edit in an item (such as a scroll) that allows you to cast divine or almsivi intervetion, which will bring you to the nearest shrine or temple.

If you are on X-box.... no idea...
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Post by TonyMontana1638 »

I don't specifically remember the shrine, but having experience with many of them make sure you've done the following:

-Cleared the Shrine out of any monsters you find, especially any quest-specific characters.

- Looked for any possible keys on dead bodies or in chests along the way

- If you went in there to try and find a specific item, that you have it in your inventory.

Honestly what I've just mentioned shouldn't affect your ability to leave the dungeon, but it's definitely worth a shot. Hope you find your way out.
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Post by Phreddie »

Do you have any lockpicks or unlocking spells? if so try them, if not revert to your last save before entering...
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