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Where is the whole glass armor set.

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Where is the whole glass armor set.

Post by REal953 »

Where is the whole glass armor set. Some one told me there was a whole set somewhere, I have some parts but not all.
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Post by Fljotsdale »

The only place I have found a whole set is with the merchant on the lower floor of the Tower of Dusk. And you have to be lucky. Which means saving game before you enter, checking the boxes at the back of the room, and reloading and trying again until you get greaves in the box. The rest of the kit is just lying on shelves.

When you know the goods are available, TAUNT the merchant into fighting you, or use Sneak to steal the stuff.

I don't normally like multi-looting, because it seems like cheating, but I have done it to get a full set of glass armour.
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Post by qwertitus »

I know you can find a lot of parts of the set in the different house vaults. Just swipe em'. Teleport away. Keep what you want and sell the rest. The money you get should more than cancel out the price of getting the bounty of your head.
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Post by Lonelypilgrim »

I found it together with an another full heavy set,but i don't want to ruin your experience by telling you what set,in an abandoned dwemer ruin near the Sea of Ghosts.Start from Ghuul,going east towards the camp.If you have the original game with the paper map then it is much easyer to find.Just over the big mountains,east from the foyada.Surely use a windwalk/windform scroll,it can be quite tiresome without it.

There are many other very supprising and terrifing events at the ruin..go for it!
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Post by OneWingedAngel »

I'd say you safest place for the armor is Ghostgate. You either have two options, Taunt the armorer where the glass armor is being held, OR, Kill the dude in the other room with full glass armor, (taunt him or attack him your choice) but either way your gonna get glass armor.... or death.
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Post by Cobre »

Glass Bow

I'm a marksmanship fan, so of course I'm gonna need to get full glass, but is there also a glass blow, or crossbow? I know there are glass bolts and arrows, so shouldn't there be bows too? :confused:
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Post by Alien_Newborn »

As I can recall, there's everything except a helm in Armiger's Stronghold in Molag Mar, which involves a lot less killing than in ghostgate. I'm not sure that it's all there, but I remember that there's at least a cuirass, greaves, and boots in there, as well as a bunch of weapons. Why not give it a shot:mischief:
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Post by Loredweller »

Didn't Percius Mercius (Ald'Ruhn Fighters Guild) offer you one along with Orcish when he sent you after HardHeart? You might have already picked the lock on the door (80, IIRC) and plundered the chests before that, though.

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Post by Fljotsdale »

[QUOTE=Cobre]I'm a marksmanship fan, so of course I'm gonna need to get full glass, but is there also a glass blow, or crossbow? I know there are glass bolts and arrows, so shouldn't there be bows too? :confused: [/QUOTE]

I have never found a glass bow/crossbow. I think a glass bow would not make sense - no flexibility, and a bow HAS to be flexible! The same is true of a crossbow.
Not that games have to make sense... :laugh:
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