A Cure for Amii quest problems and a little more help please...
Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 1:46 pm
After the woodcutters spiders are killed in Deklo grove, there is dialogue leading to his daughter dying and at Jaroos. Jaroo can't heal her he needs a rare plant from the swamp- but doesn't mark any swamp on the map- I immediately got a couple random encounters in swampy areas and searched them thouroughly, but found no plants, and now poor Amii is dead (well she's at least not at Jaroo's and my quest is Botched) Does anyone know how to win that one?--
Next problem - in clearing the Moathouse-I can't read the Diary- My rogue has it and when she goes to USE item, it suggests to check for traps, and she does and there is one, and there is dialog to disarm the trap and I choose that but at that point absolutely nothing happens- seems like a broken link. I have even tried dropping the book and trying to disarm it on the ground to no avail- If I can't read it, then I can't complete this quest. In the same vein, the blacksmith wants me to open a chest for him, and although my rogue has a 9 in the open locks skills, she can't get it, nor virtually any other lock in the game. How hard are these traps and locks, anyone know? Do we need a DC 28 or something to succeed?? Someone please help!
Next problem - in clearing the Moathouse-I can't read the Diary- My rogue has it and when she goes to USE item, it suggests to check for traps, and she does and there is one, and there is dialog to disarm the trap and I choose that but at that point absolutely nothing happens- seems like a broken link. I have even tried dropping the book and trying to disarm it on the ground to no avail- If I can't read it, then I can't complete this quest. In the same vein, the blacksmith wants me to open a chest for him, and although my rogue has a 9 in the open locks skills, she can't get it, nor virtually any other lock in the game. How hard are these traps and locks, anyone know? Do we need a DC 28 or something to succeed?? Someone please help!