I tried searching for various items today. They both turned up without matches.
First I tried searching in SYM for 'SYM awards'. It came up with 0 matches. I KNOW that this has been mentioned, and even been the title of threads. I had even just typed it. I even went back and checked the spelling. I did this more than once.
Second, I tried searchinng for 'Complete Morrowind' in the ES ; 3 forum. I know that this has been posted before, I can even point out where. I checked the spelling and everything.
Is anyone else experiencing this???????????????????????
Is there anyway I can fix it???????????????????
[url=tamriel-rebuilt.org]Tamriel Rebuilt and,[/url] [url="http://z13.invisionfree.com/Chus_Mod_Forum/index.php?"]My Mod Fansite[/url] I am the Lord of Programming, and your Mother Board, and your RAR Unpacker, and Your Runtime Engine, can tell you all about it
Looks like search is broken. I'll send a note to Buck.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.