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Tel Fyr (Corprusarium)

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Tel Fyr (Corprusarium)

Post by DARK SAGE »

Is there really any treasure down there? :confused: Cuz all the sweet stuff I found aint down there. All I ever find in there are numbered keys and dwemer cups n stuff.
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Post by RebelousDarkElf »

I could hardly remember but... all the keys eventually lead to a treasure chest somewhere on a higher level (someone is there from the main quest, i think) it has a ring or something and leads to some place. You fight someone and they have a pretty good weapon. Please, anyone, fix this if I'm wrong. :)
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Post by dragon wench »

[QUOTE=RebelousDarkElf]I could hardly remember but... all the keys eventually lead to a treasure chest somewhere on a higher level (someone is there from the main quest, i think) it has a ring or something and leads to some place. You fight someone and they have a pretty good weapon. Please, anyone, fix this if I'm wrong. :) [/QUOTE]

Indeed. And if you feel lazy, you can simply pick the lock on said chest and bypass the wild key chase altogether. (though your security needs to be good; it is a level 100 lock)
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Post by LeMasterMind »

I do believe that the ring mention above takes you to a dedric shrine, you fight with a tough bad guy and get one really wicked dagger. I think it is called the "dedric creasant". I think the spelling is wrong though. :confused:
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Post by Loredweller »

[QUOTE=LeMasterMind]I do believe that the ring mention above takes you to a dedric shrine, you fight with a tough bad guy and get one really wicked dagger. I think it is called the "dedric creasant". I think the spelling is wrong though. :confused: [/QUOTE]

Actually it's an amulet, and the weapon it 2-bladed Longsword.

There are some books, Dwemer armor, one good enogh (unenchanted) hammer, goblets, Dwemer coins and other things alike in Corpusarium. Nothing that exellent or rare, though.

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Post by Ashen »

Yup, it gets you daedric crescent if you go through all the keys and eventually open the chest in Fyrs chamber - you get an amulet, some coins and another key. You equip the amulet, then I think you have to choose yes and that takes you to Dregas Volar - I fought him several times, and it was different each time - paralyze, blind etc - it gets you the before mentioned daedric crescent if you beat him.
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Post by DARK SAGE »

Oh! No wories then. I've already picked that lock. :D The amulet did take me to some deadric shrine and I got the Deadric Cresent from a Dremora with some special name.
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Post by doinkizzle »

Isn't it that you use all those numbered keys in the chests to do something in the main quest? But you can go to Divayth Fyr's room and open his chest to get the amulet and and get the Crescent at any point in the game.
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