Quite a simple and straightforward question; I've tried Search but I haven't found an answer.
Just how high should my Persuade skill be? I'm currently a level 15 Consular, level 5 Jedi Master, and I've just finished Dantooine and Nar Shaddaa. My Charisma is 15, +2 (I get a +1 bonus to CHA from my armour and lightsaber), and my Persuade skill's base rank is 21, with a +4 bonus bringing it to a total of 25 (+1 from armour and Empathy feat)
So I'm currently at 25 with Persuade, and still got a little over half the game to go (I guess). How much longer should I insist on raising Persuade a point per level (I've skipped it twice already)?
Note that I'm not looking for a definite numerical answer.
You should do so well as to be sucked into the engine of some evil Sith Lord, you know.
I think its good as it is, I only had a persuade of 21 throughout the game and I had no trouble persuading anyone at all, but 25 thats pretty crazy at least for me
-You are the Canadian bacon on my mcdonalds sausage, egg, and cheese mcmuffin
Reaper, I have to admit I prefer the 'normal' way. I guess force persuasion is more useful and less time- and skill-point-consuming, but I just can't help looking at it as cheating. I'm too goody-goody, I consider it too mean and manipulative. While intimidation is juuuust fine...
Anyway, the stupidest thing I could do right now is take Force Persuade and waste all my skill points and a Force power slot. Still, thanks for the input.
You should do so well as to be sucked into the engine of some evil Sith Lord, you know.
Yes... I suppose you're right Vic. I have been into a number of situations where I am confronted by someone and I try to Force their mind to think like mine and it doesn't work because: they've been trained to resisted mind tricks etc... etc.
So I know about these sort of things, but I still think if you want a fast, quick efficiant way to persuade Force Persuade is the one for you. Even if you use it as a last resort, it still is very useful.
I've always found ordinary persuade to be better then Force Persuade due to it often seeming to be connected with DS, and I would recommend about 20-25 as max for that skill.
Well I suppose if you did want to avoid the Dark Side maybe Force Persuade might be a Force power you might want to stay away from. Although, in some situations you can use it and get away with it - if you had good intentions...
A good number to have your regular persuade is about 24 to about 27. And if you feel like rakeing the dark side points.. but are to lazy to battle.. (Hey.. I know the feeling.) Just you the Affect mind, or Dominate mind.. it will show up as Force Persuade.. but then again, some main point people, are resistant to such a technique.. (Those smart son of a...) But, at the rate your going, your fine.. all in all..
And I also played through a game just using the computers recommended slots.. it seems to focus around persuade, and demolisions. (Was playing as a Jedi Guardian, at the time.)
People always say to play nice, but some of us don't like to.. do we get the corner?
"Wow.. your tongue is almost as sharp as my blade.. can we trade?"
I've started a new file on KOTOR: II to try and see which one would be better to use Force persuade or normal. So, before I start filling in my disired skills I must ask Wingly. You said a good number to have is about 24 to around 27. If I got my persuade up that high is there a definate chance of success with all converstations? Or must I keep working even after that to keep it up to date?
I'd like to know, too. I'm currently at the same Persuade level as in my first post, and I failed in persuading the riot-starter Ponlar in Iziz to give it up when he started calling the crowd to attack the palace. Does that mean I should continue working on Persuade or is he just one of those must-fail cases?
You should do so well as to be sucked into the engine of some evil Sith Lord, you know.
LucasArts in interview with GameSpy, September 2004
"We were hoping we could bring the Xbox platform into December but didn't want to make the formal announcement until we knew an earlier ship date would not compromise the quality of The Sith Lords," says Producer Mike Gallo.
Okay, my last words on this topic have to be if you want to be a perfect 'persuaderist' spend your skills on both normal Persuade and Force Persuade. Some situations normal will not work, so having Force Persuade by your side also is also a handy tool.
[QUOTE=w666tvr]I *think* only Force Persuade works there.[/QUOTE]
I do seem to recall have persuaded there without using force persuading.
I never take that power anyway, and I have persauded him, which only leaves ordinary persuasion to go. But then again - I usually have high charisma as well as high persuade, but I couldn't tell you what the levels were at.
Perhaps I should replay KOTOR2 again some time in the future....
[QUOTE=Xandax]I do seem to recall have persuaded there without using force persuading.
I never take that power anyway, and I have persauded him, which only leaves ordinary persuasion to go. But then again - I usually have high charisma as well as high persuade, but I couldn't tell you what the levels were at.
Perhaps I should replay KOTOR2 again some time in the future....[/QUOTE]
I once had a persuasion total of thirty (maybe above, I don't know how much I had in the way of addons) and failed. All in the roll of the dice, I guess, even though I tried a good dozen times. Eventually, as I was trying to get Bao-Dur as a Jedi, I broke down and use force persuade, which also failed repeatedly.
That man is one of the harder ones in the game to convince. Most if not all the others I had no problems with.
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