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easy money

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easy money

Post by lonewolf13 »

If your looking for some quick cash in the game, find a traveling misc. items trader. You'll need to find one who is selling beer kegs, cider crates, flour sacks, and the like for cheap. Buy all that he has at once. Then go back to the "BUY SELL WANTED" screen and sell them, all together, back to him. You'll get at least market value for them. I averaged about 12 per item profit, not much, but at 15 to 20 items a pop it adds up. Plus, as far as I can tell you can do it an infinate number of times. This can also be done in with in town traders, but I've found the profits to be lower. I also tried cheap gifts like chocolates, but again the profits weren't worth the time. It might be worth a try with precious stones too.
When all else fails, try brute force.
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Post by Dizzie321 »

yes this can be done an infinate number of times but doing it alot on a regular basis apperntly froze one of my m8s computers but it seems fine when only done at times of need. it can also be done with diamonds, at guile level 7 i can buy them of the bowerstone north trader at 267 gold, then sell them back for 708 gold and make 441 profit... o yeah and times that by 65 :D

if you have the money (bout 25,000 you can easily trebel that in one go) try it
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Post by swcarter »

Variations on this have been posted numerous times. Please read the [url=""]sticky FAQ[/url].

Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."