Sickness, welcome to the forums. Please familiarize yourself with the
forum rules, which you agreed to follow when you joined.
One of 'em has to do with profanity, especially abbreviations used to get around the board's profanity filter. I've removed the one you used. Don't do it again. The site owner, who made the rules, says the board's in the US, and there are netnannies out there closing down boards that use "profanity." All it takes is a few letters from these people to hosts...and it's been done, successfully, before. GB has been here for 6 years, and he's been veeery careful.
Personally, I don't care what you do off this board. I've got a mouth that could melt glass. But here, you follow the rules, if you want to stay a member.
Concerning your question: how are you "messing up?" What is it you're doing that the guild doesn't like, and what do they require in amends? Did you break the requirements of a quest they made on you?
As for the ordinators, if you anger one, they all take after you. It doesn't matter what you do after that, they are forever after your enemies. This means that if they even catch you wearing a piece of ordinator armor, you can expect attacks. I suggest getting good enough to take on one or two ordinators at a time. On the upside, you'll have a plentiful supply of stuff to sell. On the downside, they will attack on sight.