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you will never be pc(&(*^&NEXT rank

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 12:25 pm
by sickness
hey can somebody help me,

i messed up twice in the fighters guild, and every time that i come there somebody says you have to make amends, now no problem you think but if i try to make amends they say "you messed up twice, you will never be pc$(*&)next rank" it sucks i need info from the fighters guild and i cant get it if im not in, does anybody knows what to do, i have the game on the xbox so cheating is not really an option i think

and what is it with those damn ordinators without the amulet of shadows i could never walk same in vivec (amulet of shadows rules :D ) i know i shouldnt steal there armour but i sold it long long ago

can somebody help???

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:10 pm
by fable
Sickness, welcome to the forums. Please familiarize yourself with the forum rules, which you agreed to follow when you joined.

One of 'em has to do with profanity, especially abbreviations used to get around the board's profanity filter. I've removed the one you used. Don't do it again. The site owner, who made the rules, says the board's in the US, and there are netnannies out there closing down boards that use "profanity." All it takes is a few letters from these people to hosts...and it's been done, successfully, before. GB has been here for 6 years, and he's been veeery careful.

Personally, I don't care what you do off this board. I've got a mouth that could melt glass. But here, you follow the rules, if you want to stay a member.

Concerning your question: how are you "messing up?" What is it you're doing that the guild doesn't like, and what do they require in amends? Did you break the requirements of a quest they made on you?

As for the ordinators, if you anger one, they all take after you. It doesn't matter what you do after that, they are forever after your enemies. This means that if they even catch you wearing a piece of ordinator armor, you can expect attacks. I suggest getting good enough to take on one or two ordinators at a time. On the upside, you'll have a plentiful supply of stuff to sell. On the downside, they will attack on sight. :D

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 5:06 am
by sickness
okey im sorry i cursed, its just not..... handy that i cant go further

i dont know what i have done wrong, i think i stole something in the quild and i was thrown out, and had my bounty of my head and without making amends i stole something else i dont know. i didnt kill anybody thats for sure (i think :P )

and im strong enough to kill 7 or more ordinators without using potions and i dont die, im pretty strong.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 5:22 am
by The Balance
CRAZY ordinators ...

[QUOTE=fable] [...]
As for the ordinators, if you anger one, they all take after you. It doesn't matter what you do after that, they are forever after your enemies. This means that if they even catch you wearing a piece of ordinator armor, you can expect attacks. I suggest getting good enough to take on one or two ordinators at a time. On the upside, you'll have a plentiful supply of stuff to sell. On the downside, they will attack on sight. :D [/QUOTE]

Hey Fable, the first time i used the search engine i didn't manage to find this post and that's the reason why i started a new tread ...
Actually I tried to drop all the pieces of their armor (I left them in a chest in the guild of mages of Ald Ruhn) but those CRAZY ordinators still attak me at sight ! If i talk to them they say "Where did you find that armor ??..." but which armor ??? i dropped all of 'em! even those which i carried on my person without equipping ... :(
Any idea?? It is quite difficult move in vivec city as often i injure innocents while fighting with ordinators! ...

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 7:09 am
by Loredweller
As it was said. As soon one of them ever had seen you in Indoril armor, they are your enemies. They feel in their bones their armor is sacred and no alien one should wear it - ever. You have just contaminate they uniform and there's neither pardon nor mercy to you.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 8:50 am
by fable
Right. Once you're seen wearing a piece of Ordinator armor, all of them instantly know it, and all of them remain your enemies from then on.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 5:27 am
by sickness
thats all great and all but what about my problem with never beeing able to join a guild again


Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 5:51 am
by Loredweller
If you were on PC you could use console some way - there are commands to assign the faction rank or to change the disposition. All they are about changing certain variables. Never had done it myself (if you roleplay you either would never have the need or are going to take responsibility for your deeds), so i do not know actual names of variables. However, you could look in Construction Set (CS Help in first place). I just know that there are way to restore oneself in the faction (reported on all forums uncounted times), and i believe that reseting a certain variable could help with your wrongs as well.
However, here are too few cheaters left, it seems, so particular receip could be most probably easier to get in central Elder Scrolls forums at, try Morrowind Cheats, Hints, and Spoilers forum first.
If you were on xbox you'd rather start thinking about either living without Fighters Guild or starting over, however.