I am new to the forum. But I am just letting the rest of you other Fable: The Lost Chapter Players out there to know how to get easy Silver Keys:
1. Goto Lychfield Graveyard
2.Talk to the GraveKeeper and ask him to open the gates.
3. He will Say: "Look! The undead are rising"
4.Tell him to wait and then go through the graveyard killing the undead. Getting gold, potions, and experience.
5. Of course he will run up to one of the crypts to be out of the way.
6. Go where the silver keys are located: the Crypt, the grave, and the ripples.
7. Once you have looted all that you want from the graveyard. Simply, RUN-OUT! of it.
8. When it asks you to: Reload or Stay. Choose Reload.
9. And VOILA! Check your inventory and you will see that the keys you gathered before the reload are still there. Enabelling you to get as many silver keys etc... as you want. All you have to do, is just keep on repeating this. HAVE FUN!