Okay! So, I'm playing a multiplayer game with four other people. I seem to be able to connect just fine, and I can see three out of four people, but for some reason I'm not getting any information from the fourth player (which seems to be picked randomly from the others), nor are they able to see any information *I* send across, either. When we tried less players, it chose from amongst the second or third, or only the second if there were only two others, though I've never had a problem seeing what the host is doing.
Unfortunately, the problem goes beyond the chat and into the game - although I can see all the characters, the one whom I'm unable to get any information from, or send any information to, well, remains motionless! And there's no effect on my end of things. The whole thing is immensely confusing, and rather bizarre! Anyways, if anyone's seen this kind of problem before, or has any ideas on how to solve it, I'd be most grateful for any help you could offer in the matter