How to get in the feeding pit of the Unseeing eye ??
How to get in the feeding pit of the Unseeing eye ??
In fact I've already beat the eye but a friend told me it was the way to go to find the gloves of dexterity ... But now I try to open the door near the Liche's coffin but even with the Gaal's key it remains locked.
Thanks every1.
PS : Sorry for my poor english
Thanks every1.
PS : Sorry for my poor english
Knowledge is power.
Bacon, F.
Knowledge is power.
Bacon, F.
You have to follow the quest line to the dot. You were supposed to find a contact in the cult's hideout. Instead, I bet you just went around slaughtering cult members. The only way to get the gauntlets is to go back and meet the contact, as per your instructions.
Magus, mighty sorcerer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
Magus, mighty sorcerer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
Magus, mighty conjurer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
Just a ? Has anybody ever tried to go back down thur the hole where your suppose to go the first time ?Originally posted by magusg:
You have to follow the quest line to the dot. You were supposed to find a contact in the cult's hideout. Instead, I bet you just went around slaughtering cult members. The only way to get the gauntlets is to go back and meet the contact, as per your instructions.
(I would betray the world before i let the world betray me.) Chao Chao 192 a.d.
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
So this means even if you kill everybody there you can still get to the area where the Gauntlets of Dexterity are at.
(I would betray the world before i let the world betray me.) Chao Chao 192 a.d.
(I would betray the world before i let the world betray me.) Chao Chao 192 a.d.
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
That's not true, Weasel. I have personally tried getting into the pit (for the first time) after everyone's dead, and you don't get that "descend" cursor. You MUST talk to the contact first, unless some sort of bug happens. After that, I'm sure you can reenter at will.
Magus, mighty sorcerer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
[This message has been edited by magusg (edited 01-06-2001).]
[This message has been edited by magusg (edited 01-06-2001).]
Magus, mighty sorcerer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
[This message has been edited by magusg (edited 01-06-2001).]
[This message has been edited by magusg (edited 01-06-2001).]
Magus, mighty conjurer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
Ah well never tried just wondering . Meant to everytime I've went thur the game just forget everytime.
How about tring to go to Suldanesselar before doing the quest for the Elves. You know where the entrance is has anyone tried that?
(I would betray the world before i let the world betray me.) Chao Chao 192 a.d.
How about tring to go to Suldanesselar before doing the quest for the Elves. You know where the entrance is has anyone tried that?
(I would betray the world before i let the world betray me.) Chao Chao 192 a.d.
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
Possible Spoiler(in answer to Weasel)
Are you sure about that Weasel? Admittedly I have just browsed through the part (I was experiementing while finishing up quests in Ch. 6), but I remember the elves leading you there. I don't remember Suldanessar being available before then.
Magus, mighty sorcerer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
Are you sure about that Weasel? Admittedly I have just browsed through the part (I was experiementing while finishing up quests in Ch. 6), but I remember the elves leading you there. I don't remember Suldanessar being available before then.
Magus, mighty sorcerer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
Magus, mighty conjurer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
Yes but have you tried to go to where the elves take you . It's in the Forest of Tethyr . Then leave for Suldanessellar ?
(I would betray the world before i let the world betray me.) Chao Chao 192 a.d.
Yes but have you tried to go to where the elves take you . It's in the Forest of Tethyr . Then leave for Suldanessellar ?
(I would betray the world before i let the world betray me.) Chao Chao 192 a.d.
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
Possible Spoiler (in response to Weasel)
I've been to the Forest of Tethyr before finishing the lamp quest for the elves, and there was nothing much there. I think you just kill a bunch of wolfweres.
Magus, mighty sorcerer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
I've been to the Forest of Tethyr before finishing the lamp quest for the elves, and there was nothing much there. I think you just kill a bunch of wolfweres.
Magus, mighty sorcerer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
Magus, mighty conjurer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
Spoiler to the possible spoiler of the other spoiler..
Alright I believe we are talking about two differnt things. Has Anybody tried to go to the Forest of Tethyr before doing the quest for the elves and seeing if you can go to Suldanessellar by going to the spot where the elves bring you after you have done the quest.
Alright I believe we are talking about two differnt things. Has Anybody tried to go to the Forest of Tethyr before doing the quest for the elves and seeing if you can go to Suldanessellar by going to the spot where the elves bring you after you have done the quest.
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
So I'll never get that gloves ...Originally posted by magusg:
You have to follow the quest line to the dot. You were supposed to find a contact in the cult's hideout. Instead, I bet you just went around slaughtering cult members. The only way to get the gauntlets is to go back and meet the contact, as per your instructions.

That's right I did a lot of slaughter just to see what would happend and surprisingly I just kill the Unseeing eye on the 1st try ... So I consider I didn't hva to do anything else.
BTW It's sad that I can't open a door with a key that would open it if nobody was dead ...
Knowledge is power.
Bacon, F.
Knowledge is power.
Bacon, F.
Actually, I don't even think you need a key to get down the pit. The guy just shows you a secret passage or something down to there. I suppose it's so well hidden your own characters can't find it.
Magus, mighty sorcerer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
Magus, mighty sorcerer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
Magus, mighty conjurer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
No in fact I'm not talking about the pit. I just talk about a hidden door near the liche's coffin ... that according to the map on this site leads to the same place ...Originally posted by magusg:
Actually, I don't even think you need a key to get down the pit. The guy just shows you a secret passage or something down to there. I suppose it's so well hidden your own characters can't find it.
Knowledge is power.
Bacon, F.
Knowledge is power.
Bacon, F.