This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
In the BM expansion Raven Rock quests Falco sent me into the Northeast to seek the wisdom of some Outkast Iceman named Graring. I found his place, but he won't talk to me! Garrrgh! What did I do wrong? Did I kill too many Fryse Hags or something? Am I missing an artifact?
edit~ I did find this bit of information in gb. But in my game there is no fight happening... What is going on, aah!
When you arrive, you’ll see this Imperial woman attacking the Nords.
update~ Even though she was not visibly attacking the Nords, I have gone ahead and killed Coventina. My quest shall continue from here.
The first time I did that mission I find her to the north behind some rocks but when I did the mission earlier today she was attacking Garling(?) and his friends.