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Diablerie Character and Character Journal thread.

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Diablerie Character and Character Journal thread.

Post by Siberys »

Please post your character's and character journals if you wish to make one (which is recommended) here.

Maximum of 2 posts per person is all you need. 1 for the character, 1 for the journal.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
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Post by Demortis »

Race-----Aasimar, Male
Racial Stats-+2 spot and listen, +2 Wis and Cha, Dark Vision 60, Daylight 1/day, Res 5 of Fire, cold, and elec;
Class----Paladin of Freedom
Class Features-Aura of good, detect evil, smite evil 1/day, divine grace, lay on hands, aura of resolve, divine health
Religion- Thor
Speaks: Common, Celestial, Draconic

Flat Footed-15

Str-15 +2
Dex-12 +1
Con-14 +2
Int-12 +1
Wis-14 +2
Cha-16 +3

Base Attack/Grapple-+3
Full Attack-


Detect Evil at will
Lay on hands: Paladin lvl X cha Bonus; 3*3=9
Daylight 1/day

Skills-3 per lvl
#1---------Bluff 4+3=7
#2---------Concentrate 1+2=3
#3---------Craft (alchemy) 1+1=2
#4---------Handle animal 2+3=5
#5---------Heal 3+2=5
#6---------Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 2+1=3
#7---------Knowledge (Religion) 2+1=3
#8---------Knowledge (Arcane) 1+1=2
#11--------Sence Motive 1+2=3
#12--------Spot(cc) 0+2+2=4
#13--------Listen(cc) 0+2+2=4
#14--------SpellCraft(cc) .5+1=1.5

Feats-Ancestral relic, Nimbus of light

Spells Per Day at lvl 4
1st Level-4th lvl
Bless: Allies gain +1 on attack rolls and +1 on saves against fear.
Bless Water: Makes holy water.
Bless Weapon: Weapon strikes true against evil foes.
Create Water: Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water.
Cure Light Wounds: Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5).
Divine Sacrifice: Sacrifice hp for a damage bonus.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or small object.
Detect Undead: Reveals undead within 60 ft.
Divine Favor: You gain +1 per three levels on attack and damage rolls.
Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments.
Golden Barding: Your mount gets force armor.
Lantern Light: Ranged touch attack deal 1d6 damage.
Magic Weapon: Weapon gains +1 bonus.
Protection from Law/Evil: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders.
Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
Restoration, Lesser: Dispels magical ability penalty or repairs 1d4 ability damage.
Resurgence: You grant subject a second chance at a saving throw.
Second Wind: Target gains the equivialent of the Endurance feat for 1hour/level.
Silvered Weapon: Transforms one weapon into a silvered weapon.
Travelers Mount: Creature moves faster but cant attack.
Virtue: Subject gains 1 temporary hp

2nd Level-8th
Bull’s Strength: Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level.
Call Mount: Call your special mount, even if you have called it today.
Delay Poison: Stops poison from harming subject for 1 hour/level.
Eagle’s Splendor: Subject gains +4 to Cha for 1 min./level.
Estanna's Stew F: Conjures stew that heals 1D6+1 per serving.
Moment of Clarity: Target immediatly makes a new saving throw to resist a mind affecting spell or effect.
Owl’s Wisdom: Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level.
Remove Paralysis: Frees one or more creatures from paralysis or slow effect.
Resist Energy: Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type.
Shield Other F: You take half of subject’s damage.
Undetectable Alignment: Conceals alignment for 24 hours.
Zeal: You move through foes to attack the enemy you want.
Zone of Truth: Subjects within range cannot lie.

3rd Level-11th
Blessing of Bahamut M: Gain DR of 10/magic.
Blessed Sight: Evil auras become visible to you.
Cure Moderate Wounds: Cures 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10).
Daylight: 60-ft. radius of bright light.
Discern Lies: Reveals deliberate falsehoods.
Dispel Magic: Cancels spells and magical effects.
Heal Mount: As heal on warhorse or other special mount.
Magic Circle against Law: As protection from law, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level.
Magic Circle against Evil: As protection from evil, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level.
Magic Weapon, Greater: +1 bonus/four levels (max +5).
Mind Bond: You and your mount gain +4 flanking bonus when flanking the same opponent; mount gains bonus on attack rolls.
Prayer: Allies +1 bonus on most rolls, enemies –1 penalty.
Remove Blindness/Deafness: Cures normal or magical conditions.
Remove Curse: Frees object or person from curse.
Smite Heretic: You gain a +2 sacred on attack rolls and deal extra damage with your smite evil ability when used against an evil creature that can cast divine spells.

4th Level-14th
Blood of the Martyr: You heal a target at range and take a like amount of damage.
Break Enchantment: Frees subjects from enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification.
Cure Serious Wounds: Cures 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15).
Dispel Law: +4 bonus against attacks by lawful creatures.
Dispel Evil: +4 bonus against attacks by evil creatures.
Glory of the Martyr F: As shield other, but with multiple targets
Holy Sword: Weapon becomes +5, deals +2d6 damage against evil.
Lesser Aspect of the Deity: Your form becomes more like you deity's.
Mark of Justice: Designates action that will trigger curse on subject.
Neutralize Poison: Immunizes subject against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject.
Restoration M: Restores level and ability score drains.
Sacred Haven: Target gains +2 sacred bonus to AC and retains Dex bonus to AC when flat-footed; you can heal target usin lay on hands at range.
Sword of Conscience: Evil creature confesses crimes, takes Wisdom damage.
Weapon of the Deity: Your weapon gains enhancement bonus and special ablity.
Winged Mount: Your mount sprouts wings and gains a fly speed of 60ft (good).

Spells prepared
1st Level-
2nd Level-
3rd Level-
4th Level-

gold 150; 615 in bank
Masterwork WarHammer
Heavy Steel sheild
Elven Chain max dex +4, ac penilty -2
Camping equipment
Travelers clothing
2 healers kits (20 uses)
Silver symbol of Thor
Zombies are not real! The Government is still doin Human trails!

Have you ever wondered why, in a dream you can touch a falling sky? Or fly to the heavens that watch over you. - Godsmack
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Post by Oskatat »

Lucas Smith

name-------- Lucas Smith
race--------- human, male
classes------ rogue/wizard
religion------ occasionaly paying respect to Olidammara
allignment--- Chaotic neutral
XP---------- 6000
lvl----------- 4
class levels-- 3/1, rogue 1st level

HP: 23 (and a half)
Str---------- 12
Dex--------- 17
Con--------- 14
Int---------- 16
Wis--------- 8
Cha--------- 10
+1 attribute for 4th level

BAB: +2
Fort: 1 + 2 + 1 = +4
Ref: 3 + 3 + 2 + 1 = +9
Will: 1 + 2 - 1 + 1 = +3
initiative: 3

AC: 10 + 3 dex + 1 ring of protection = 14 (+1 dodge)
flat: 11
touch: 14 (+1 dodge)

speed 30ft
melee: 2 + 1 = +3
ranged: 2 + 3 = +5

sap, +3, 1d6 +1 /x2, bludgeoning, subdual damage

rapier, +6, 1d6 +1 18-20/x2, piercing

shortbow, +5, 1d6 /x3, piercing
40 arrows

no armor

feats: class feats:
familiar, scribe scroll
sneak attack +2d6, trap sense +1
evasion, trap finding

human: weapon finesse (rapier)
lvl 1: dodge
lvl 3: mobility

Spells per day: 3/2

total skill points (8 + 3 + 1 = 12, 12 x 4 + 12 + 12 =) 72 + (2 + 3 =) 5 = 77

appraise (int) 3 + 4 = +7
bluff (cha) 0 + 4 = +4
craft (locksmith, int) 3 + 2 = +7
decipher script (int) 3 + 5 = +8
disable device (int) 3 + 3 = +6
diplomacy (cha) 0 + 4 = +4
hide (dex) 3 + 8 = +11
knowledge (arcana, int) 3 + 3 = +6
listen (wis) -1 + 7 = +6
move silently (dex) 3 + 8 = +11
open lock (int) 3 + 4 = +7
search (int) 3 + 4 = +7
spellcraft (int) 3 + 1 = +4
spot (wis) -1 + 7 = +6
tumble (dex) 3 + 8 = +11
sense motive (wis) -1 + 5 = +4

lvl 0
acid splash
read magic, detect magic, detect poison
dancing lights, flare, light, ray of frost
ghost sound
disrupt undead, touch of fatigue
mage hand, mending, message, open/close
arcane mark, prestidigitation

lvl 1
comprehend languages
charm person, sleep
expeditious retreat

spells per day, save dc and which are prepared:
Lvl 0 x 3, save dc 13
detect magic x 2, prestidigitation
Lvl 1 x 2, save dc 14
shield, charm person

familiar: weasel
name: Weasel (not very creative, I know)

HP: 11 (and 3/4)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
Armor Class: 15 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +1 familiar)
touch 14
flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/–10

Str 3
Dex 15
Con 10
Int 6
Wis 12
Cha 5

Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d3–4)
Full Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d3–4)
Special Attacks: Attach

Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3

Skills: Balance +12, Climb +10, Hide +11, Move Silently +10, Spot +8
Feats: Agile, Weapon FinesseB

Attach (Ex): If Weasel hits with a bite attack, it uses its powerful jaws to latch onto the opponent’s body and automatically deals bite damage each round it remains attached. Attached, Weasel loses its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class and has an AC of 13.
An attached weasel can be struck with a weapon or grappled itself. To remove an attached weasel through grappling, the opponent must achieve a pin against the creature.
Skills: A weasel can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened.

familiar abilities
share spells, alertness, improved evasion, empathic link

MW rapier
shortbow, 40 arrows
camping equipment
costumized traveling clothes
artisans outfit (locksmith)
2 daggers
cloak of resistance +1
ring of protection +1
wand of magic missile (1st) (50 charges left)
2 x potion of cure moderate wounds
2 x potion of light wounds
potion of barkskin
MW Thief tools
MW artisans tools

Gold in bank 71gp, carried 10
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Post by Oskatat »

Lucas smith's history and journal


Not too long ago, Lucas was a petty thief, breaking and entering for a living. He did not like his occupation however. This caused a minor lack of dedication which meant the end of his practices when he was caught at the smithy he was trying to enter. Because of his low age, he got off 'light': the smith decided to keep him for a while before turning him in and soon discovered Lucas' knack with locks. Instead of turning him in he took lucas on as apprentice and let him deal with any locks brought to his attention. The smith made sure Lucas would stay and not stray by letting him sign (with an x) a confession of being a thief. Naive as lucas is/was that kept him at that place for almost three years. When he finally realised that the document had little power over him anymore, he went off for small adventures, honing his skills and going back to practice his craft again. Up to this day he is still sharing a workplace with the blacksmith, a combination which works out fine for them both. The smith can put all the itsy bitsy lock thingy assignments to his 'apprentice' and Lucas can work on his own creations with the tools and items he finds in the smithy.
however, on a day that will haunt him forever, he found an interest in the magic called daiblerie.
He knew it was illegal, and it was only a small...curiosity, purely professional from his wizarding background, which had helped him escape what was behind a locked door often enough... But in any case, he got caught...and so did the people who helped him...

If Lucas has one problem, it is impulsiveness. Unless he makes a concious effort to focus, he tends to be somewhat erratic. Not that he has a problem focusing when he needs to, but he simply doesnt see the need, or doesnt have the desire to do so. His second problem, as most people see it, is that he seems to have boundless energy. This often results in talking or tics

nothing so far
If something can go wrong, it will go wrong
Always prepare for the worst
Never let experience guide you: every day is different

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Post by Yepi »

Racial Stats-Medium: As Medium creatures, humans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. Human base land speed is 30 feet. 1 extra feat at 1st level. 4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level. Automatic Language: Common. Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Speak Language skill. Favored Class: Any. When determining whether a multiclass human takes an experience point penalty, his or her highest-level class does not count.

Religion- Mask or Loki
Alignment-Chaotic Evil
XP 6000
Level 4
Rogue 3 fighter 1

Flat Footed-16


Speed- 30 ft


Base Attack/Grapple-+3

Attack- MW composite shortbow (+2 str)= 1d20+6
lance= 1d20+4
Rapier +1= 1d20+5
Masterwork silver mace= 1d20+5
Dagger= 1d20+4
Kukri= 1d20+4
Sap= 1d20+4

Full Attack- MW composite shortbow (+2 str)= 1d20+6
lance= 1d20+4
Rapier +1= 1d20+5
Masterwork silver mace= 1d20+5
Kukri= 1d20+4
Damage- MW composite shortbow (+2 str)= 1d6+2
lance= 1d8+2
Rapier +1= 1d6+3
Masterwork silver mace, heavy= 1d8+2
Dagger= 1d4+2
Kukri= 1d4+2
Sap= 1d6+2


#3 Handle Animal (cha)- 3+0=3
#6 Ride (dex) – 2+2=4
Swim (str) – 2+2=4
Jump (str) - 2 +2=4
Craft (int) – 2+2=4
Climb (str) – 2+2=4
Intimidate (cha) -2+0=2
#8 Appraise (int) – 3+2=5
#9 Balance (dex) – 3+2=5
#10 Bluff (cha) – 2+0=2
#11 Decipher Script (int) - 2+2=4
#12 Diplomacy (cha) – 2+0=2
#13 Disable Device (int) - 2+2=4
#14 Disguise (cha) -2+0=2
#15 Escape Artist (dex) -2+2=4
#16 Forgery (int) – 2+2=5
#17 Gather Information (cha) – 2+0=2
#18 Hide (dex) – 2+2=4
#19 Knowledge (int) Local (legends, personalities, inhabitants, laws, customs, traditions, humanoids) -2+2=4
#20 Listen (wis) – 3+0=3
#21 Move Silently (dex) – 2+2=4
#22 Open Lock (dex) – 2+2=4
#23 Perform (cha) – 2+0=2
#24 Profession (wis) – 2+0=2
#25 Search (int) – 3+2=5
#26 Sense Motive (wis) – 2+0=2
#27 Spot (wis) – 3+0=3
#28 Sleight Of Hand (dex) – 2+2=4
#29 Tumble (dex) – 2+2=4
#30 Use Magic Device (cha) – 2+0=2
#31 Use Rope (dex) – 2+2=4
#32 Knowledge (int) - Arcana (ancient mysteries, magic traditions, arcane symbols, cryptic phrases, constructs, dragons, magical beasts) - (0+2=0)
#33 Knowledge (int) - Architecture and engineering (buildings, aqueducts, bridges, fortifications) - (0+2=0)
#34 Knowledge (int) - Dungeoneering (aberrations, caverns, oozes, spelunking) - (0+2=0)
#35 Knowledge (int) - Geography (lands, terrain, climate, people) - (0+2=0)
#36 Knowledge (int) - History (royalty, wars, colonies, migrations, founding of cities) - (0+2=0)
#37 Knowledge (int) - Nature (animals, fey, giants, monstrous humanoids, plants, seasons and cycles, weather, vermin) - (0+2=0)
#38 Knowledge (int) – Nobility and royalty (lineages, heraldry, family trees, mottoes, personalities) - (0+2=0)
#39 Knowledge (int) - Religion (gods and goddesses, mythic history, ecclesiastic tradition, holy symbols, undead) -( 0+2=0)
#40 Knowledge (int) - The planes (the Inner Planes, the Outer Planes, the Astral Plane, the Ethereal Plane, outsiders, elementals, magic related to the planes) – (0+2=0)

Class Mandatory Feats- Simple and Martial weapon proficiency, Sneak Attack, Trapfinding, All shields and armour proficiency, Exotic Weapon proficiency-Hand Crossbow, Evasion, Trap sense, Uncanny dodge.

Feats- Mounted Combat, Ride-By-Attack, Dodge, Education, Power attack

Rapier +1, MW composite shortbow (+2 str), Mithral Chain shirt +1, MW thieves tools, potions of cat's grace, invisibility and 3 cure light wounds, lance, heavy warhorse, heavy steel shield, kukri, dagger
Camping stuff, 200 arrows, masterwork silver mace, sap 529 g left

Languages:Common +2 intelligence=Abyssal+Draconic
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Post by Yepi »

A look into the life, of the once splendid Linus

In the visionary imagination of Linus there is no birth and no death, no beginning and no end, only the perpetual pilgrimage within time towar5ds eternity. But we cannot follow him into that bright world, not yet, and his story must begin above a hosiers shop in the backalleys of a notorious street within a city with no name, when at 8:15 on a cold November evening. He came crying into the rushlight and the candlelight of the city's winter. We may be able to see, if we look hard enough, the doctors lantern and the fire of sea coal that greet the piping infant, but the outlines of those who attended the birth remain shrouded in the deepest obscurity. Linus was the 3rd child in a family that grew steadily to include 4 more (one died as an infant) He adored 1, but hated another as 'the evil one'
In his first yea..............






From this point he had been cast out, the animal blood of his brothers raw flesh metaphorically staining his nimble hands. Small helpless he hassince learned to play life backwards, he took the life of one who can manipulate the loopholes of life.......

Sitting on the ship, now old enough to reflect on his actions, after many years he was finally captured and jailed, until a suitable grisly execution fate was found, luckily h e was bundled on a ship, seemed a use for him had been found, he thanked silently the god who had bestowed this upon him. Slowly the ship taunted him darkly and started destroying his mind, the past, a black plague of mind forg'd manacles, chartr'd his mind. The ship had changed him

Diary of a friend and a friend:

Day 1
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