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selling items question

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selling items question

Post by sheipcho »

hi there
i would like to ask if someone knows where can i sell expensive items - usually the traders dont have more than 2000 gold and i want to sell an item which costs 150 000 where can i do that?
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Post by Loredweller »

On xbox you're restricted to Creeper (5K cash, weaponry, potions, soulgems, jewelry) and Mudcrab Merchant (10K, potions, weaponry), both buy/sell for face value. There are few more NPC with 1K-2K cash. On PC there are some mods around. Tribunal added few NPC merchants with cash in 10K range. NPC trade taking into account their disposition and your merchant skill.
Usuall procedure for expensive items is to my the goods already in the merchant's invetory to cover the difference and then, when after 24h they have their cash replenished, selling them back. Of course, you will never get 10K for 10K item this way (save but from two nonhuman merchants mentioned as first).
Creeper is a Scamp in Ghork manor in Caldera, Drunken Mudcrab merchant is on a small island SES from Suran (easy to kill by mistake since there is nothing on him showing it's special).
Om PC it's easy to increase the amount of the cash on any of them making a minor mod - or to create merchants of your own (or to use some already existing mod). Regarding the Creeper there are even some tutorials aroung showing how to increase his cash to, say, 100K or million.

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