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Discontent in the Temple (Spoilers)

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Discontent in the Temple (Spoilers)

Post by Soulforged »

I already searched for this and found a thread, but I know that nobody is gonna look into it so I'll create a new one.
The problem is this. I started by doing all the quests of the Tribunal Temple (in the Tribunal Expansion) wich includes of course the main quest of Almalexia. I killed her. Then I started with the quests of Helseth and his guard Captain. All is fine until i get this quest (the title), in wich he asks, as many of you know by now, if I can find a Temple Informant in regards to the situation with King Helseth. I find this woman in the Infarmary (Galsa Andrano or something like that), she says something different to the rest but nothing refering King Helseth's subject (she talks mostly about the Tribunal gods). That was the first approach, perhaps I started wrong? Anyway, I start talking about other topics, all of them, including "Dessident Priests" and "Helseth", the topic "Mehra Milo" never appears, and nothing different comes out. The guide in the official site talks about this topic "come and speak another time" (sort of) wich should appear after talking and listening politelly (What does this means?). This topic never appears. So the conclussion is this: miss Andrano never talks to me of what I want to talk and I never can complete the quest.
So first: Does anyone knows if there's a legitime workaround this probleme.
And second: If not legitime, if there a way to cheat an execute an script without activating the dialogue? Or for that matter any other kind of cheating?
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Post by Greg. »

[QUOTE=Soulforged]I killed her.[/QUOTE]


With reference to the question... Speak to her about 'Discontent in the Temple' then some options should pop up... Try each one.
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Post by Soulforged »

GregtheSleeper wrote:Who?
With reference to the question... Speak to her about 'Discontent in the Temple' then some options should pop up... Try each one.
No option pops up. The only link in all the text is "Almalexia". As I said when I talk about the discontent she doesn't talks about discontent towards Helseth, instead she gives me an speech of the Tribunal Gods and how they're lacking publicity and loosing their divine powers.
"And from the flames the Soulforged, the stainless, will rise"
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