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how do i get tomourhold in the original version of morrowind?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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how do i get tomourhold in the original version of morrowind?

Post by Denis »

how do i get to mourn hold in the original version of morrowind?is there any way i mean i have a map but it dont apears there i also heard that a assasin will try to kill you when you are resting and that will start a quest that will unlock this citie, also i had this distubing dream in the game does this mean that the assasin will atack me soon? or is it even possible to get there with the version i have? any help will helpfull please. :confused:
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Post by Sparrow »

Mournhold is an area provided by the Tribunal expansion. By "original version" I'm guessing that you don't have the expansions. So you can't get there.
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Post by Magelord648 »

Disturbing dreams are what you get from the morrowind main quest and have nothing to do with asassians, though you do get attacked by ash zombies as you rest sometimes on the original when you are halfway through the main quest.
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