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How do you identify items?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Nihilistic Software's Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption.
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How do you identify items?

Post by Scree »

Hi, I played Redemption once about 8 years ago, probably not long after it first came out, and loved it. But I was playing on my friend's computer, and never owned a copy until very recently, so never really got very far.

I've just got to the last part of the first part (end of prague 1) and I still haven't heard any word in-game about identifying items. I have several items that have "not identified" on them, so I'm just hoarding them in my stash. Is there a discipline that allows me to identify? Or a scroll? Or do I find an NPC along the way who'll do it for me? This isn't a spoiler question, as far as I can tell, I don't know how often people come to this forum, as the game is quite old now, but I'd love to know how to identify items, thanks. :)
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Post by Scree »

damn, just read somewhere else that you can use "spirit touch", wish I hadn't sold them all now.
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Post by MiL »

I recently played it...dont worry pretty soon you will have a new character join you and she will develop spirt touch...just save the items and ID them later.

It's a 3rd spell under some discipline. Cant remember which one..anyway, female that you get next to monastery will be able to cast that spell.
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Post by Acleacius »

I think he already has her Serena has Spirit Touch, it is the third spell in Auspex.
You can give yourself Auspex with the console, by adding -console in you Vampire shortcut on the desktop.
Then using the ` key to open the console and then typing addthing tomeAuspex
In case you dont want to rely on your NPCs since them tend to come and go during the 800 years :)
Trust me, most of the names I have been called you can't translate in any language...they're not even real words as much as a succession of violent images.
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