after you defeat jack of blades the second time in TLC your given the option to wear his mask and fuse with jack of blades or destroy it and i was just wondering what do you get from the mask?
does merging with jack do anything special or give me anymore power or is it mostly for vanity purposes?
Actually, I've seen pictures of people with the blonde hair with Jack's Mask on their faces, I guess it just takes alot of good deeds to go bak that way
[QUOTE=swcarter]The search feature is your friend.[/QUOTE]
with jacks mask you wont get any spells or such, your aligment wil stay full evil.. however you can change your look. I dont know if it gives def also.. im checking that out now.. but im still at the arena now..
Playing on the PC:
The Witcher (Currently deïnstalled)
Fable TLC (Currently deïnstalled)
Oblivion + SI + all DCL