[QUOTE=yoruba]it`s the patch that updates all versions 139m[/QUOTE]
If you had v1.3 installed then you need to completely uninstall DL and then reinstall from your disk before updating to version 1.4. Maybe this is the problem.
I just installed patch 1.4, now I am reinstalling the game as some strange thing happened: I could create a char, started the game, and realized the droppings (shields and weapons) are named " ???Weapon??? and ???Shield??? " with NO statistics. Like missing from a file or something. Reinstallation is in progress, though nasty as takes some time. Any idea?
Oh well, the reinstall did not help... Still gettin' ???Weapon??? for the aquired items. I see the class of the weapon, but no damage, no range, no nothing else just "???"s.