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Emoticon shortcuts

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Emoticon shortcuts

Post by Damuna_Nova »

I find it quite strange that " :P " does not work for the tongue smiley and that ":d" does not work for the big grin and that ":O" doesn't work for the embarrassment one, etc.

Shouldn't both upper case and lower case letters work?
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Post by BuckGB »

From what I can tell in vBulletin's control options, there is only one text replacement field for each smilie. Whatever text I place in there is the text the forum looks for to display the smilie. It's case-sensitive, though, which explains why your examples don't work. I did a search in the support forums on, too, and couldn't find any way to get around this. I don't think there's a way to fix it, at least not with the current version.
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