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Problems with bribe and persuation...

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Problems with bribe and persuation...

Post by Kitsie »

I'm barely into the game and doing the Canvas the Castle quest in Chorrol. I seem to be hopeless with the Persuation game and would like to just bribe a character like Orok. Is there a way? And while I'm talking about that quest, I've found the painting and clicked on it, but nothing happens, same with the paint stains! Also can anyone please tell me how to move an object, like a chair???

I'd like to love this game, like I did Morrowind, but my issues are with the lack of a round compass (why not?!) and this persuation game thing is a pain!!!

I'll keep on plugging, but help would really be nice!
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Post by Ashen »

As for nothing happening - you need to talk to all of them and I don't remember well but I think that is actually remarked in your quest diary before you go off to finding clues.

Well when you click the face icon, which leads you to the persuasion game, there's a bribe option there as well. As for the game - well 2 give you positive points, 2 negative. Do one round to see which is which. Then observe how the pies (for the lack of a better word) turn. Anticipate where the biggest/smallest will go next, or even till the end and count what will cost you more/where you'll gain the most. If the biggest (fullest) is on the negative then click the positive one, even though it's not totally full etc. You'll get the hang of it.
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Post by Fljotsdale »

The persuasion game is not too difficult to master:

Thare are 4 segments, and 4 amounts of 'fullness' that fall randomly into the segments, ranging from full to almost empty.

Place your cursor over each segment (without clicking) so that a little ball shows. Look at the expression on the person's face. When you've figured out what makes the guy happiest, start clicking.
You get Happy, Moderately Happy, Deadpan, and Disgusted. You need to try to get the least full on Disgusted and the fullest on Happy. You will not always succeed. But after a little practice you will notice that you can often chase the full one onto Happy or Moderately Happy. Take it slowly at first, not worrying about the points falling as you think about it. Pracise on everyone - shopkeepers, people in the streets, guards...
Eventually you will level up enough to get a Free spin if you got a sequence badly wrong.
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Post by Lonelypilgrim »

As i see,some questions are still in the air.

Firstly,it seems there is no way to move chairs,all you can do is sit on them.That goes for everything heavy.

Furthermore,you are not supposed to be able to do anything more than look at the strange painting and the paint stains,you got all the evidence exept one.Ofcourse you need to speak with all the people that the countess suggested,look at the green arrows.Just a hint:Make a trought-out search in the room of theRedguard female mage,i don't recall the name.
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Post by Ashen »

Actually you don't just look at them - the action key appears, and you have to use it, to activate the quest prompts.
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Post by mordib »

yep and when you click on them it comes up with a dialogue (assuming you have already talked to all the people you're supposed to) something like 'youve found so and so, you should continue searching for clues'
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