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Post by jimmx »

My question is how alignment stats on spells and weapons work.

It seems that the good spells have a negative alignment stat, while the bad spells have a positive.

But the good armor has a positive, where as bad has a negative. Am I right on this, and what does alignment do exactly?

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Turkey Chaser
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Post by Turkey Chaser »

alighnment doesnt afect weapons.
the alighnment on spells WHEN YOU BUY THEM is afected by your alighnment example:the gooder you are the less you will have to pay for good spells(heal,summon,physical shield,divine fury)but the more you will have to pay for evil spells(drain life,berserk,turncoat,infernal wrath)and vice versa.
so the alighnment on the spell is the extra exp you will have to pay for them.
the alighnment on the armour will increase YOUR alighnment if its good armour or decrease it if its evil armour
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