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Help at Skorm -Possible Spoiler-

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any of the titles or expansions within Lionhead Studios' Fable series.
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Help at Skorm -Possible Spoiler-

Post by Skorm_himself »

Yes I know there is a post about this at the fable FAQ's
but it doesnt say about this.

but even i would sacrifise the trader at 12:00 pm does it have to be exactly then? since there is no number clock i cant know when its exactly the right time , or can it throw a bit from there?
555 = human
666 = satan
777 = god
888 = Skorm _ himself
999 = Skorm _ himself
101010 = nothing can go over this!
Dagoth ur wants U! to kill the N'wah from morrowind!. recruiting at nearest sixth house base every day 3:00pm

ps: free coffee every monday
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Turkey Chaser
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Post by Turkey Chaser »

the easiest way to get the rewards would be to wait till sunday(every 7th day {7,14,21,etc})then wait for midnight then youll hear a guard shouting something then sacrifice the mercenaries.(you can still sacrifice for good results after midnight as long as it isnt morning)
you get best results while fully good:angel:
worked for me on first try ;)
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