I am new in this forum. Though I have played a lot of RPG like this one, I am new in playing Dungeon Lords. Can anybody tell me how to open a treasure chest? When I tried to open a treasure chest by clicking disarm or bash, it will explode and it will eat up the health of my character. I would really appreciate your help.
Thanks in advace.
How top open treasure chest?
You would be a lot better off if you had about 10 in the first three options of your thief skills. The top row of icons are the chest combination. The bottom row of icons are what you click on. When a top icon is lit, quickly click the matching bottom icon.
If your thief skills are too low, you won't see the top icons till the bar quickly starts from left to right. The higher your thief skills, the sooner you see the top icons and the slower the bar moves.
If your thief skills are too low, you won't see the top icons till the bar quickly starts from left to right. The higher your thief skills, the sooner you see the top icons and the slower the bar moves.
I'm not sure about how much you would want to increase for being a fighter, bit in general if you can see the icons to begin with and you have some lockpicks on hand to up the percentage you can use a crystal of time or time warp, of whatever it's various names are. Simply activate the spell, go to the chest screen, go to inventory, select the highest level of lockpicks you have, then disarm the chest, I was at a level 8 disarm but could identify the icons of a level 10 chest, and succsessgully disarmed it using this method. Hope it helps