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Poll: How many brave Rangers out there?

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Poll: How many brave Rangers out there?

Post by MoNgReL »

I am a level 11 ranger and i think that they are the best.(my opinion)
I would just like to know how many other people chose the greener path.

What are your stats and armour/wepons?
I have the the whole Baduran kit exept the sword and sheild.
armnd with lilacor at the moment with ring of free action, boots of speed, cloak of shapeshifting, gauntlets of dexteriety and amulet of power.

By the party of Aragorn the mightiest of Rangers

[This message has been edited by MoNgReL (edited 12-15-2000).]
By the party of Aragorn the mightiest of Rangers
St 19/34
con 18
dex 18
int 8
wis 18
car 18
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Post by Avariel »

I'm in Hell right now and I'm a level 16 Ranger. I don't have my stats memorized but I'm pretty sure they're something like this:

Helm of Balduran
Girdle of Stone Giant Strength (or whichever one gives 20 Strength)
Gauntlets of Weapon Mastery
Red Dragon Plate
Dual Wielding Daystar and Sword of Flame (I think that's the name, it's a plus 3 and deals extra fire damage)
Plus, I have DragonSlayer and I think my other weapon is Skullcrusher
Ring of Free Action
Ring of Earth Control
Boots of Haste
Cloak of something or other (Maybe cloak of sewers, not sure though)

AC -8
HP 134

I love Rangers too, but on my next game I think I'm gonna try something different. Usually I go Mage, but this game is so high level that with all the shields, summons, spells, and counter-spells it just gets too confusing, for me anyway.

All I need is a good sword and an evil skull to imbed it into!


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Post by Hex92 »

Ac -5 (without shield)
HP ~135

str 19
dex 19
con 18
cha 18 (with ring)
int and wis > 14

I imported him in from BGI and therefore was able to take advantage of those tomes that increased some abilities. Plus I spent a long time rolling him up.

3 profs in dual wield
2 profs in longswords
2 in warhammers
2 in longbow

3 +2 swords (Dragonslayer, Drinker and ??)
2 Warhammers (+2 & +3 thunderbolts)
+3 longbow of some sort- rarely used
+3 dragon scale shield (rarely used)

Hit lvl 12 the other night. Now up to 7/2 for attacks. Which is absolutely brutal when hasted.

+1 field plate
ring of fire resistance
helm of defense
some robe which gives +5 vs missle weapons
amulet 5% magic resistance
ring of human influence
gauntlets of weapon expertise
helm of defense or charm prot (depends)

Rangers are the best class IMHO.
I just cant wait to get Crom Faer. I am still in chapter 2 because I am a quest whore Image

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Post by MoNgReL »

im just abut to set off to the island asilym to free imoin from the cowled ones and am saving the side quests for when i have her.

(I hear she needs xp when you free her)

Cmon guys there has to be more of us!!!

By the party of Aragorn the mightiest of Rangers
St 19/34
con 18
dex 18
int 8
wis 18
car 18
By the party of Aragorn the mightiest of Rangers
St 19/34
con 18
dex 18
int 8
wis 18
car 18
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Post by Cloud »

I love rangers as well!!!

I played as one in bg1 and imported him to bg2

Chaotic Good
Lvl 17

Str 18/10
Dex 11
Con 16
Int 11
Wis 15
Car 16

With red dragon scale
Warblade+4 (2handed sword)
heartseeker+3 (composite long bow)
Girdle of hill giant strength
Gauntlets of dexterity

Note that i played through with him for my first time (which was b4 i found this site) and thus missed a lot of items and stuff.

I think i will play as an archer at some point as well cause they sound cool, not that keen on beastmaster, sounds a bit lame. Whats the fun of a ranger without swords
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carpe noctum
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Post by carpe noctum »

i too imported mine from bg, and took advantage of the various tomes.

elf,level 17, 115 hp, ac -9

str-20 dex-21 con-18 int-12 wis-17 cha-13

armor of the hart, helm of balduran, amulet of spell warding, rings of regeneration and fire control, cloak of the sewers, boots of speed, rarely use a shield

profs: long sword (2), battle-axe (2), war hammer (2), katana (2)

have frostreaver in my offhand with the equalizer, dragonslayer or crom faeyr as my main weapon.
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Post by flinfman »

note to Mongrel: you better be at a pretty decent level before heading after Imoen otherwise you're going to have a slightly tough time. The first time I went through I did that, just run through trying to get her. I'd save several quests for her, but definitely take on your fair share because you won't be back for a while and some of the enemies there are really high-end. Just a suggestion.
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Post by flinfman »

One other thing: what all makes a ranger so special? Never played one myself and was thinking about it. From the stats above I can see rangers are pretty dang cool stats-wise but do they have an aura of coolness along with them? Image
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Post by The_Pope »

No aura of coolness?
Check this, my ranger stats:

STR 20 (girdle)
DEX 20 (he's an elf + tome)
CON 15
INT 17 (tome)
WIS 17 (tome + tome)
CHA 21 (ring of human influence + helm of glory + nymph cloak)

For a total of 110.

Weapon profinciencies:
Scimitar ++
Bastard Sword ++
Some other unimportant stuff
Two Weapon Style ++

Girdle of Stone Giant Strength
Ring of Human Influence
Nymph Cloak
Helm of Glory
Boots of Speed
Ring of Gaxx
Mithril Chainmail

If you can solve this, you have knowledge of AD&D. Who did my ranger replace?
It's easy...

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Post by Tulkas the Stout »

Well, hmmm.. let me see there. Would that be, DRIZZT!!!! BY ANY CHANCE!!!
Cry Havoc, and let slip the dogs of war!!
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