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combat help

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combat help

Post by vitosqueo »

i really don't understand the combat rounds. how do i select what each party member will do? will they keep on doing the same thing to i change it or until the battle is over? and what about spellcasters do they just cast the spell once and then just wait for their next order? the rounds seem to go so quick. i'm not following whats going on. can anyone explain the combat process?

when you cast a spell it gives you the spell icon to put over your target, once you select your target a sword (attack) icon appears. am i supposed to select the target again or will that negate my spell?

how can i tell if my character can use a certain weapon?

any help or details about combat would be helpful.

thank you.
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Post by mr_sir »

To select a party member, click on either them or their portrait. Use the bar at the bottom to choose the action you want them to do or click on the map to move them. You can also select more than one party member by left clicking and drawing a box around them.

In combat, the best thing to do would be to use the spacebar to pause the game after each action. It slows things down and gives you a chance to think. When casting spells, select the spell, click on the target and it will cast the spell. don't click again or it will cancel the spell and start a melee/ranged attack instead.

When melee/ranged, the character will continue to attack until he/she or the enemy are dead or until you tell them to do something else. Spells will just be cast once and not continuously.

If a character cannot use a certain weapon it will appear with a brownish/red background in your inventory and it will not let you equip it. You can check which weapons and armour you can use by viewing the character info screen.

Hope that helps.
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