I have a party in mind that I want to try out. The things I want to do with it kind of requires a certain type of character for each role. I want to make a druid, a cleric, and a wizard, all for item creation purposes. Wands, wondrous items, arms and armor. However, I have run into a problem with the concepts I had for my druid and fighter in the party. I wanted to have the druid use a longspear for reach, and the fighter use a spiked chain for reach.
The problem being, I haven't found any type of masterwork or magic version of those two weapons in the game. The party of the druid, cleric, wizard, fighter, and ranger/rogue works incredibly. I killed the evil traders in Homlett at level 1. However, at the end of the game, I am sure I will end up with something that will be resistant to non-magical items. This is my worry. I haven't gotten through the temple yet, but I want to try this so I have a self-sufficient party on my first run through.
Any thoughts on a way to accomplish getting a magic longspear and spiked chain? Or should I redo my party configuration?
Character Concept Problems in game
Character Concept Problems in game
"You can do whatever you want to me."
"Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?"
"So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
"Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?"
"So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
- Lord Plothos
- Posts: 525
- Joined: Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:00 pm
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That's one way to go. Also, if you have the co8 mod, you can get Brother Smyth in Hommlet to produce several types of masterwork items. Normally, there's no masterwork or magic longspear in the game (no crossbows either), but there is a +1 holy spiked chain.
Proud user and advocate of [url="http://rptools.net/doku.php?id=maptool:intro"]MapTool[/url]for all my RPing-at-a-distance.
(Use the lastest 1.3 build - it's still beta, but stable and far better than 1.2)
(Use the lastest 1.3 build - it's still beta, but stable and far better than 1.2)