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Thread Deletions Seriously Guys, lets keep this civil and get some answers.

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Thread Deletions Seriously Guys, lets keep this civil and get some answers.

Post by Phreddie »

I just wanted ask this question in the proper place, and if this thread gets deleted with out provocation then we will have our answer, but I digress.

Several threads raising valid points or asking pertinent questions recently appeared in the Speak Your Mind Forum, I would provide links to these threads to show the points and questions however these threads no longer exist. It appears that either an Administrator or moderator has deleted these threads for unknown reasons. None of the participating members in these threads noted any rule violations, and normally threads are locked with an explanation and recitation of a rule. Naturally you can understand the confusion that was felt when these threads mysteriously vanished.

Why were these rule abiding threads deleted?

There was evidence of a mod flaming a member in the first of the Vanishing Threads, and when this was pointed out the thread vanished, no action has been taken against this mod by the staff of this forum, and all further inquiries into this disappearance were efficiently silenced.

Buck_Satan I am appealing directly to to listen to the cries of your members in a public place, so that witnesses can be brought forth to testify against the this flaming mod. I am not sure if you can read deleted threads, but I am sure if you can you will see what was said, even after some minor editing on the flamers part. While the conduct of the members defending the flamed was certainly less than honorable, it was no where near the contempt they were treated with.

Please listen, and instead of closing ranks, as appears to have happened, to protect one of elders, listen to the members, the people they were appointed to guide, not ridicule. I am only asking for a fair 'trial'.
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Post by BuckGB »

Phreddie wrote:Several threads raising valid points or asking pertinent questions recently appeared in the Speak Your Mind Forum, I would provide links to these threads to show the points and questions however these threads no longer exist.
From the first day this forum was opened to the public, I have always asked people to take their concerns to PM or emails when things headed into a downward spiral. This issue is no different. It is bringing my work to a standstill and is detracting from the enjoyment of anyone else who might want to have a legitimite discussion. We have already beat these issues to death, it's time to move on. If you have anything more to say, please send it to me in PM. I easily have a few day's worth of PMs to go through already, though, so please be patient when waiting for a response.
Phreddie wrote:Buck_Satan I am appealing directly to to listen to the cries of your members in a public place, so that witnesses can be brought forth to testify against the this flaming mod.
This is an internet forum for role-playing games, Phreddie, not a court room. I will not air all of this out in public. I have been in contact with the moderating staff through all of this, and will continue to do so as issues are brought to my attention. If there is a problem, it will be dealt with in private.

You're more than welcome to continue this topic with me via PM, but it no longer belongs in a public forum. Thread closed.