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w00t question time!

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Heuristic Park's Dungeon Lords.
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w00t question time!

Post by J0k3r4188 »

ok this is me being new to the game... ive been poking around reviews and this site's forums for a while before i finally bought the CE version of Dungon Lords. I looked at items, classes, poked around the show off thread (preaty B/A charaters there especially Kal).

Ok so the questions...

1. Is is at all possible to get to a T3 class like Wizard and get War Witch or possibly even get War Witch and Shadow Lord?

2. Is there any combat aspect "broken" in the game (so i don't go around shooting arrows or swingin my sword getting pissed cuz i can't hit nothing b/c the damn game is buggy)?

3. On a scale of 1 - 10 how much fun did u have exporing the world of Dungeon Lords? (1 being "I wanna kill my self for the time i will never get back" and 10 being "I gave up the other parts of my life it was so much fun")

ty for the responses!!!!
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Post by swcarter »

#1 Wizard, War Witch, and Shadow Lord are all tier three classes. You can only have one of them per character.

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Post by J0k3r4188 »

Alright that answers that... didn't want to go off and make a character thinking i could do that and end up shorthanded later on... ty for the reply and the answer!
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Post by Chowder »

J0k3r4188 wrote: 3. On a scale of 1 - 10 how much fun did u have exploring the world of Dungeon Lords? (1 being "I wanna kill my self for the time i will never get back" and 10 being "I gave up the other parts of my life it was so much fun")
I just finished the game. And I explored every inch of the game on "normal" difficulty and "more" enemies. It was a blast. For exploration I would give it a "10" just because of the constant regeneration of enemies.
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