And since this could be a spoiler containing thread, proceed cautiously.
For beginning, let me explain that right now I am still in the first chapter, so some opinion can change later in the game. But that's also why I'd like to hear some of your opinions. And, I am a she, sun elf, rogue, emphasized on pick-pocketing, trap detection/removals, trying also to set traps, and tumbling. Additionally, I am a troublemaker.
My dislikes' and dontknows:
1) some bugs (like Captain Tann and Slaan bug - see thread [url=""]how to form a party member[/url]), and game just stopping when in dialog mode (probably can't handle the combat play/pause changes interrupted with dialogs).
2) moving the characters with keyboard. Whooosh, that is just awful. It works partly when viewing the map, but then the enemies surprised me - not that it mattered that much, but still.
3) The differences between puppet mode on or off. Particularly shapeshifters that do shapeshift automatically when puppet mode on. Why would I want to have a vermin in my party? Or, if they already fight as vermins (or anything similar), how can I retrieve their human shape? Maybe it's just me who's to stupid. On the other hand, having the puppet mode off just kills the story. I liked the principle in BG2: I tell what you should do (cast a spell and similar) and then you attack this target. Could be that same settings can be tuned also in NW2, this thought occurred to me right now.
4) Influencing the party members. Where can I see the level (or stage?) of my influence on another party members? Can I know what it is, or when will I really (*put a bad word here*) them off so that he/she will leave me?
5) Really a lot of items/features/skills that I will not ever use. Don't care about items, but so many features (talking about character) and skills, that just make me hard to decide (I'm certain there exists a better English word, but I can't find it right now). Especially since I do not have enough time to simple try them all.
6) Some actions just don't have any influence. Like, pickpocketing the citizens, and being spotted. Or succeeding. Actions like this are used (obviously) only for quest triggering. Pathetic. And, furthermore, I have a "big" fight on the street, wizards, druids, fighters, backstabbing and a lot of blood, and at the same time the citizens just pass by. Damn it, I leave in a city (well, for most of the "civilized" world this is only a bigger establishment), and if two parties start to fight I certainly would pass the street so indifferently.
Pro's or *what-do-I-like*
1) The Sword Coast is alive. I've travelled there several times already, in BG2, NW1, Icewind Dale and again now. Some legends life through, fascinating.
2) Names. Well, where did they think about Khelgar the Ironfist. Or, Neesha (in my language exists almost the same name, but I can't type it since it contains non-english letter). And the one in Neverwinter, Moira, the goddess of death. I think, don't hold me for the word.
3) Constant dwarf-tiefling teasing. And this stacks up also...
There are some more things I like, but I will post them later. Let me hear your words.