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Those idiots!! (Atton and Bao-dur influence trouble)

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Those idiots!! (Atton and Bao-dur influence trouble)

Post by Zefie »

I've just arrived at Nar Shaddaa, and I decide to go help the guy who is being harassed by Exchange thugs for not paying what he owes (the one who says you have the money he owes). Anyways, I persuade the thugs to go away, let the guy go without even answering any of my questions, and get my LS points. All is good. Until Atton chimes in, with his influence gain. I know that no matter how you handle the situation you're likely to get an influence gain from him, and I do, but he says the whole "What just happened? Blah blah blah. Warn me when your gonna kill someone." That certainly isn't right. I go back to a pervious save (which was just moments ago), and do the situation again. Same thing. I go back again and decide to pay the mans debt. SAME RESULT. So by now I'm thinking "Okay, I officially hate you, Atton. Bao-dur gets this influence gain." I send Atton away, help the guy again and Bao-dur yells at me! :mad:

He says what I imagine he says when you do something DS (I'm never DS, so I don't know). Then it says "Inluence lost: Atton", but I don't really care about that. What I care about is getting the right response and influence gains.

I have two mods downloaded that apply to Nar Shaddaa specifically (well, one applies to Mira, but you get her on Nar Shaddaa). I've never had them downloaded before, and I've never had this problem before. I doubt the two are connected, but I can't think of any other reason why this would happen.

Has this ever happened to anyone else? Am I just going to have to get a DS influence gain with Atton, or is there a way to fix this?
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Post by supershadow »

Zefie wrote:I've just arrived at Nar Shaddaa, and I decide to go help the guy who is being harassed by Exchange thugs for not paying what he owes (the one who says you have the money he owes). Anyways, I persuade the thugs to go away, let the guy go without even answering any of my questions, and get my LS points. All is good. Until Atton chimes in, with his influence gain. I know that no matter how you handle the situation you're likely to get an influence gain from him, and I do, but he says the whole "What just happened? Blah blah blah. Warn me when your gonna kill someone." That certainly isn't right. I go back to a pervious save (which was just moments ago), and do the situation again. Same thing. I go back again and decide to pay the mans debt. SAME RESULT. So by now I'm thinking "Okay, I officially hate you, Atton. Bao-dur gets this influence gain." I send Atton away, help the guy again and Bao-dur yells at me! :mad:

He says what I imagine he says when you do something DS (I'm never DS, so I don't know). Then it says "Inluence lost: Atton", but I don't really care about that. What I care about is getting the right response and influence gains.

I have two mods downloaded that apply to Nar Shaddaa specifically (well, one applies to Mira, but you get her on Nar Shaddaa). I've never had them downloaded before, and I've never had this problem before. I doubt the two are connected, but I can't think of any other reason why this would happen.

Has this ever happened to anyone else? Am I just going to have to get a DS influence gain with Atton, or is there a way to fix this?

Well Atton really shouldn't say that else you kill someone. When that happens look through the dialogue options and see if there is something like "It was necessary." After they dialogue you should gain influnce. It has been a while since I played dark side... If that doesn't work just take him out of your party right before the event then when it is over just put him back in.
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Post by Zefie »

Oh, I get the influence, he just gives me the wrong diolouge. Bao, too. I tested this on the sick man with Atton, same result. I even went to a save from before going to Nar Shaddaa. I figure I'll just unstitall it, re-install it. It'll be a pain in the butt, but dang it, I want the right diolauge!! :mad:


Thanks for your help, though.
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Post by Alcina »

'What just happened? One minute...(etc)" is one of the normal Atton INF gain dialogues. You get it a large proportion of the time you kill innocents, whoch always pleases Atton(sometimes you get 'Glad we got the drop on him" instead). When you discover/consider his backstory, he's not actually terribly Lightside, which explains it.

This dialogue isn't a mistake, it's intended to give a clue as to a plot point of the game which is important. SPOILER:Your character has the unusual power to influence others and form intense emotional bonds with them through the Force.
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