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Boy oh Boy!

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:08 pm
by Starion
Man, I just found a really weak slip-up by the devs.!

After perusing Gamebanshee's database on the weapons in the game, I realize that you can buy an un-augmented Master Greatsword, augment it yourself, and end up with a weapon that's much more powerful than just about ALL the "Legendary" ones! :p

I don't know about you guys, but I feel that the least powerful of the
"Legendary" weapons should equal (or at least be very close to) the most powerful of the standard ones. With a gradual increase in power according to either the age of the weapon and/or the backstory on it! (ie- forged and/or used by a lengendary npc or a god!)

Anyone agree with my opinion?

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 7:17 pm
by DesR85
I slightly agree here. The legendary weapons in the game are powerful, I agree, but they're given augmentations which are not really useful. And if you're one who like to add in your own augmentations, it is best to buy a new weapon and slap in the augmentation of your choice.

What I would much prefer if the game allows you to add/remove augmentations as freely as possible. Not once you put an augmentation in, it cannot be removed. Speaking of augmentations, this system reminds me a lot of the materia system used in Final Fantasy VII (probably that's where Peter Molyneux got the idea of augmentations from?)

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 6:11 am
by Starion
DesR85 wrote:I slightly agree here. The legendary weapons in the game are powerful, I agree, but they're given augmentations which are not really useful. And if you're one who like to add in your own augmentations, it is best to buy a new weapon and slap in the augmentation of your choice.

What I would much prefer if the game allows you to add/remove augmentations as freely as possible. Not once you put an augmentation in, it cannot be removed. Speaking of augmentations, this system reminds me a lot of the materia system used in Final Fantasy VII (probably that's where Peter Molyneux got the idea of augmentations from?)
Yah, a much better aug set-up was done in "Sacred"! You could have up to (4,5,6?) and swap them out for better ones! :cool:

BUT- you could only save one of them, the devs explained that by "breaking the chain" (by removing one of the augs) the ones left in the weapon are destroyed. Makes a lot of sense in a scientific manner does'nt it! (like 'backfeed', or 'cascade failure/overload')

So I always had the smith put the best in first and that way I would just have him remove that one when I had upgrades to replace the other ones!
(kept my weapon improving throughout the entire freakin game!!!):mischief:

btw- "F.F." was one of the VERY FEW rpgs that I have stayed far away from!! I found the entire control scheme for melee/magic to be WAY too complicated and utterly counter-intuitive!(sorry agent Fisher- you gots the same prob.!)