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figuring out AC

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Xo Martel
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figuring out AC

Post by Xo Martel »

Hi, i'm new to BG2. I could use some tips Image

i don't understand how AC works. Maybe someone could explain it to me.

ex: leather armor 7 or 8 AC, but chain mail 5 AC, others magical ac is lower (around 3AC)

is higher ac better or not?
Thank you

Xo Martel
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Post by Genesis »

You want your AC to be as low as the negatives...because chances to hit you are based on a roll of a 20 sided dice. A roll of 20 will always hit and a roll of 1 will always miss. base AC starts at 10 which means any roll of 2 or better will hit you. For every point your AC reduces the roll must increase by a point in order to hit you so with an ac of -5 your enemy must roll a 15 or better on the 20 sided dice to hit you because 10 to -5 is 15 points if your ac is -10 then you will most likely only get hit by a roll of pure 20 which is rare..NOTE certain weapons or monsters get a plus to thier rolls for example if they roll a 10 and have a weapon of +2 they actually rolled a 12. Hope that helps and hope i got it all in there.
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Post by Xo Martel »

Thank you for the reply Image

Question: in char creation.... STR when it hit 18, there is something behind it. what does it mean?

example : STR 18/01

any clue?
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Post by Nighthawk »

For fightes with Str 18 they also get an "exceptional strength" roll. Look at the table in the manual for the effects of different Str levels.
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Post by Genesis »

If you have the manual that came with the game... look in the back pages..its shows what all your stats affect and such...including the different levels of str..if you dont have it then its something like this

18/01 - 18/50 +2 hit +3 damage
18/51 - 18/89 +3 hit +4 damage
18/90 - 18/99 +3 hit +5 damage
18/00 +4hit + 6 damage...

my numbers may be a bit off but its basically a additional damage adjustment for fighter classes.
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