Well, the problems I ran into earlier (see my very first thread here) have been solved. I patched to 1.68 and could then use the console to at least spawn the Devourer brain so I could complete quest 1.
(Still a bit bummed out for missing the XP for killing the devourer itself, but there ya go..)
Anyway, ever since I did this, my henchman's behaviour (Sharwyn) is changed. Where she used to burst into song at the first sight of any enemy, she now remains oddly quiet. I've tried various behaviour modes (follow, defend, stand ground) as well as a number of dialog options, but she refuses to sing any longer.
Everything else about her behaviour is still normal btw. E.g. she still casts spells, attacks, opens locks and whatnot, but her most prominent feature (being, after all, a Bard) is now missing..
Has anyone else had this or similar problems? If so, is there a way to fix this?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.