Sometimes I download stuff in the background while playing DL. When the Windows downloader pops the message that the download is finished, Dungeon Lords freezes and I have to ctrl-alt-del it and restart. Anybody knows why that is?
That's just the way the game is. You can't alt-tab, either.
Sir Edmund:"Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?" Me:"It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
swcarter wrote:That's just the way the game is. You can't alt-tab, either.
Thanks for the reply! I have the same problem with Gothic, so it also happens with newer games. I thought it might be some problem with the settings on my PC.
ur not alon. that happns to me too. except mi message is diffrnt. mines about my antivirus software expiring and bugging me to renew it. maby its the game. is it CE? cauz mine is and tat happens to me alot.
Queen_Articuno, ruler of all that is frigid and cold!
unfortunately DL takes a lot of memory to play if you notice when exiting the game it takes the system a while to catch up also the freezes in the game ive run into em alot in battles it really doesnt take a cad to unlock just stop what youre doining and wait usually im playing again in 10 to 30 seconds sometimes about a minute before it unlocks but ive never had to restart the pc to get the game goin again