Depending on the class you chose, he teaches either lightsaber IV(Shein), or a technique to increase your force powers.
If you choose that the jedi exile was a jedi master, will he learn force enlightment and if you choose jedi weaponmaster lightsaber IV(Shein)?
Which one are you supposed to learn because the Gamebanshee kotor II walkthrough talks about force enlightment..but I don't know if you choose jedi weaponmaster that you will get that forcepowers as well.
Please kindly respond
if this has already been asked, I apologize, but there are so many topics...I can't just find the one. It's a small question..after it is answered and I gave my response which indicates it can be deleted or closed.
kingjohn wrote:
If you choose that the jedi exile was a jedi master, will he learn force enlightment and if you choose jedi weaponmaster lightsaber IV(Shein)?
Which one are you supposed to learn because the Gamebanshee kotor II walkthrough talks about force enlightment..but I don't know if you choose jedi weaponmaster that you will get that forcepowers as well.
Please kindly respond
Well, the last time I played, my character was a Jedi Guardian/Weapon Master. I was still able to get Force Enlightenment. Hope this answers the question.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
DesR85 wrote:Well, the last time I played, my character was a Jedi Guardian/Weapon Master. I was still able to get Force Enlightenment. Hope this answers the question.
hm..ok thnx, but there is another question.
Obviously, Consulars/Jedi Masters will get the most benefit from this (Force Enlightenment) as they'll likely have all of their buffing powers maxed out, such as Master Valor, Master Battle Meditation and Master Speed
If I am a jedi guardian and I am a jedi master, will I have these powers as well?
If you don't know this, someone else can answer it too
Everyone gets either Force Crush or Force Enlightenment at that point, depending on alignment, not class.
What does depend on class, is the powers given to you by the individual Jedi Masters. I'm not entirely sure on this, but I suppose Consular/Master/Sith Lords get the Force Forms, while the others get another Light Saber Form.
Kay.. If you\'re Dark Side, you recieve Force Crush for the prestige force power.
Light Side recieves Force Enlightment.
It doesn\'t matter which class you are.
However... I have had a case where I chose Sith Lord presite for the first tiem and recieved Force Crush off the bat.. Never happened to me again.. I wondered why that was so different..
People always say to play nice, but some of us don't like to.. do we get the corner?
"Wow.. your tongue is almost as sharp as my blade.. can we trade?"
Wingly wrote:However... I have had a case where I chose Sith Lord presite for the first tiem and recieved Force Crush off the bat.. Never happened to me again.. I wondered why that was so different..
You're probably thinking of Force Corruption, a special power which all Sith Lords get automatically. Totally different in effect, though. Later on, you should have gotten the real Force Crush.
You'll probably get whichever one you're closest to... I don't think it's possbile to NOT have any dark side/ light side points at this point in the game.
Darth Spawn wrote:what power do you get if you are a nutrial force user
Which power you get doesn't depend on your alignment it depends if you either keeped the jedi masters alive, or did you kill the jedi masters. I also was under the impression that this is what selects if you recieve the dark ending to the game or the light.
supershadow wrote:Which power you get doesn't depend on your alignment it depends if you either keeped the jedi masters alive, or did you kill the jedi masters. I also was under the impression that this is what selects if you recieve the dark ending to the game or the light.
No, it doesnt. I killed all on my first play as a light side char, and got the enlightment.
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