But this time, I want to be properly happy with my party, so I hopefully get through to the fabled HoF. I've read the UPPs (I even understood bits of them!) and pillaged them for bits and pieces, abandoned bits of them that seem too 'forced' and not enough fun, and come up with this party..
Shield Dwarf Fighter 4/Barb X 18/13/20/3/18/4
Tanky type, but with a big-assed axe to slice people to tiny little pieces with.
WS in Axes and Maces, Maximised attacks, Imp Crits, Cleave, etc etc. Skills in Hide, mainly because nothing else seemed tempting
Human Monk 1/Cleric X 18/18/16/3/18/3
Combat Casting, Subvocal Casting and mainly melee-based feats. Skills in Conc and Spellcraft.
Aasimar Sorceror 8/8/18/18/8/20 (Maybe with a level of Pally later for the saves)
Kaboom and diplomat
Spell Focus, Combat Casting, Nuke feats etc.. Conc, Spellcraft, Bluff, Intimidate, Diplomacy.
Drow Rogue 1/Diviner X 11/20/16/20/8/5
Kaboom, thiefy skills and loremaster
Same feats as the sorceror. Conc, Spellcraft, and trying to keep search, disarm trap, KA and Alchemy as high as I can
Now.. the questions..
1) About the Monk/Cleric - I'm planning to have her unarmoured, but wielding a weapon. As I understand it, she'd still get the AC bonus from wisdom if she wields a weapon, and her damage would actually be higher than unarmed. Is this right? Also, I was wanting some advice on her Cleric Domain. Does it make that much difference? Are there any domains that are particularly weak? I think I'm tempted by a Dreadmaster of Bane - would you think this is a decent choice?
2) Is it worth having the Rogue level for the Wizard? I was going to start him as a Rogue so he gets more skill points, because he's covering the rogue skills too - but if he was a pure Wizard, would his skills be high enough to pass the checks as I reach them? I'm not planning on picking any locks - the Dwarf will be too quick to smash em with his axe, or failing that there's always Knock
3) Would these guys work well enough to get to HoF? I read about needing 72 AC, which I doubt any of these would get to, judging from what I've read.
And some that aren't "rate my party plx"
4) When a spell has different effects depending on caster level, does it mean total level, or level of the class that's casting? Say for example I had a Sorceror 9/Paladin 1. Lay on Hands heals for 2x Paladin's Level - would this be 2, or 20? And a fireball that does 1d6 per level, would that be 9d6 or 10d6?
5) Is it possible to gain two stat bonuses of the same type from items? I had a ring with +1 Dexterity and Armour with +1 Dexterity in another game, but they only seemed to give +1 total bonus.
6) It says the elemental feats require 10 Spellcraft - is that before or after the Int bonus is added?
Thanks in advance