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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any pen n' paper role-playing system except Dungeons & Dragons (GURPS, V: tM, Cthulhu, etc.).
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Post by Warggoath »

Well, I tought this was most suitable here...

Lorecraft is title/working title of our pen&paper style msn based roleplaying game. Idea for this game came as here in my home town isnt many who are willing to play d&d or other p&p games and I wanted to have more than occasional 2-3 players plus dungeon/game master. So I put on one forum an annoucment for people willing to participate making this game and first there popped like 8-9 people although most of them didnt come to meetings(where the converstation on research and making the game usually slipped into stupid jokes and random stuff) but now there is me plus 3 active people doing this. Soon I will be putting up website for this. Now I ask, as I am a noob in p&p, you people, even if occasionaly, help making this. I and Furi(other maker of this) are translating item lists, monster lists and the basic rules we have into english and as one item/monster/weapon/armor list is finished I will update this post and put the link to them.

The game is plane like meaning that there is 3 planes, Heaven, Earth, Hell. Each one has their own envivorment, economy, monsters, people, items, armors, weapons. Earth has all basic monsters(gobins and stuff), weapons(long swords), etc...

There has been one test game on this. It was basically freeform game meaning that there wasnt other rules than you speak within "these" marks and tell what you do within *these* marks. In fight we used 6 sided dice(a script for msn plus, found [url="!L/"]here[/url])
and the number sas how you managed in fight (1 means that you almost doesnt hit and 6 that you hit perfectly) and gm told the story

So, you can send your scenarios(backstory can be any lenght you want), advanced rules(send your rules in email to and I check them and accept), monsters, weapons, items(not any noraml ogres,long swords or stuff, we have them allready)

Next, what does everything need:

Monsters need brief description, hp, mp, str, agi, def, wis and ammount of xp you get from them.

Items need brief description and what they do.

Weapons need brief description and attack and if magical any special thngs they have(shock damage, defense from evil etc...)

Scenarios need backstory and any special rules applied to them.

Rules need an headliner for genre of the rule(s) for Trading, Fightinvetc and the rule itself...

thank you for your time for even reading this post...
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Post by Rob-hin »

There's also a "Looking for players" topic in the d&d forum
We started it recently. :)
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Post by Warggoath »

Rob-hin wrote:There's also a "Looking for players" topic in the d&d forum
We started it recently. :)
well, we arent looking for players actually, but they are nice addition of course, we are looking for someone who can even occasionaly help with monsters, scenarios, rules...
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Post by Furi »

In case ya are visiting here, I just wanted to notice that I registered as well. And also I am asking, how is the rpg going? Sorry, I havent keep in touch.
For all things, Munchkin.
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