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Trouble with E

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Trouble with E

Post by ZakkBailey »

For some reason I can not get the thin blood quest from E on the beach. I have tried with 3 diffrent toons and I have the official patch, but whenever I talk to him, he goes through his story, but my quest log will not update. Any idea why? Am I following the questions thread wrong? :(
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Post by Lukeatus »

Thin Blod Quest from "E"

Well, from what I can remember, when you talk to him, you can be nice him, or even not, saying something like "Mind if I chill with you?" ... Than you have to ask him what clan he his, tell him he is a vampire, until he tells you about who embraced him. Usually it's question number 1 on the dialog. In the end you should be able to tell him that you'll look into the "Thin Blood" thing for him. I never had any problem with that conversation, just choose the first option dialog pretty much everytime.
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Post by Outcast »

same problem

Actually I have had the same problem. I had played the game as a brujah and a tremere initially and I had no problem recieving the thin blood mission. Both times I had computer issues and my games had gotten deleted.

But the very last time I played as a Gangrel and when I got down to talk to E he kept retelling his story and at no time was the quest added. I have since restarted the game as a gangrel to see if it happened again and this time I got the quest.

My only guess as to what went differently is I might have been rude to him during the first conversation when I first played as a gangrel. This caused no noticeable difference in dialog with him when you talk to him again afterwards. Unless ofcourse you talk him into a fight and kill him.

After my initial rude conversation maybe that caused the quest to close but theres a bug that doesent change what he says. So he keeps cycling through the same conversation options but the quest wont open.

So you might try opening up under an earlier saved game when you first meet the thin bloods and talk nice from the start and see if it makes any difference.
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Post by Wesp5 »

Outcast wrote:Actually I have had the same problem. I had played the game as a brujah and a tremere initially and I had no problem recieving the thin blood mission. Both times I had computer issues and my games had gotten deleted.
What patches are you using? The official 1.2 readme states that gettings E's quest was made easier and I can't find something problematic there when looking at the dlg file.
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Post by Outcast »

yep patch 1.2

Yeah I downloaded that patch before starting up this time. Im trying to remember if the game I was playing was started just before or after I downloaded the patch. I do believe it was after.

Im not sure where the bug would be. All I know is the conversation remains the same and continues to cycle but the quest is no longer accessible and it gives you no hints of this.
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