already posted this in the planescape: torment forum, but the same thing is going on for me in BG.
so i recently installed BG on my newly reformatted computer, and it's having this wierd graphics problem where the resolution in-game is screwed up. the game is squished up, there's about 2 inches on either side of the screen of nothing, just black.
so i'm wondering how to fix this problem? the game used to work fine on my computer before i reformatted.
could it be i have the wrong drivers installed or something? right now i believe my driver is "ASUS RADEON 9600SE 128MB (omega 2.6.25a). is there a different driver i should download or something?
graphics problem
It seems that your monitor's position and size adjustments have been reset. This is usually fixed with buttons on the monitor itself. Also, it might be a good idea to go into 640*480 resolution before starting up the game, since that way you may choose which screen refreshment rate to play in (in my case 150 Hz).
"Fame is a form--perhaps the worst form--of incomprehension." J. L. Borges