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Question about journal

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Question about journal

Post by kagemusha »

Alright, I actually did the search thing about this one, and I didn't find a clue. Still I have feeling that I'm asking about something that I should knew, or at least catch a rumor about it long time ago, since I'm playing this for 3-4 years.

Now, it was good while I was playing, I was in tune with the game and I knew what I need to do. But I was forced to leave games for some time period (3rd month this will be), and I'm having troubles to get back in tune. I don't know what quests are finished, I don't know which are not finished. And the very character is so damn balanced now, and so high within so many factions that I don't have patience to run from house to house to find out where the hell did we (me and my character, how sweet) stopped here and here and here.

Now, this was a long intro for such stupid question, but I open the journal, and I see option "show all quests" - "show active", but there is nothing in there. I have complete GOTY thing, but only main Morrowind file is activated. Is there any thing to do, so I can see "active quests" only, so I can plan on my strategy and what next step my character will do (I'm heavy kind of dude and I play only 4x games beside Morrowind).

Thank you for your patience, and sorry for this long a** boreing post. I'm in the mood to talk tonight.
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Post by Magelord648 »

I believe the quest journal was implemented with Tribunal. Your problem is that you are running the Bloodmoon engine but not the correct ESMs to go with the engine. This will mean some features will not work although they are there. There is only so much that can be written into an ESM so updating the engine was necessary to implement more advanced features of the expansions.
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