the wailing of virgins cloak is cursed. why
it has tight stats but whats wrong with it
cursed cloak
i haven't found a wailing virgins cloak in the game. closest i have come is:
robe of agony
gives +15 hp when worn
puts user under symbol of pain
only for good clerics or mages
did you get it from an encounter? do you remember where? i am replaying iwd/how now and will look for it.

robe of agony
gives +15 hp when worn
puts user under symbol of pain
only for good clerics or mages
did you get it from an encounter? do you remember where? i am replaying iwd/how now and will look for it.
i'm so restless
i'm bored as a cat
we talk about this and we talk about that
i'm bored as a cat
we talk about this and we talk about that
I found the Wailing Virgin cloak, and I used it for my bard since I found no disadvantages apart from having to remove the curse if I want to change his outfit.
The cloak is found quite late in the game in HoW
I got it in the Barbarian Camp, from the Seer's dead body after Wylfbane (was that his name) has killed her.
The cloak is found quite late in the game in HoW
I got it in the Barbarian Camp, from the Seer's dead body after Wylfbane (was that his name) has killed her.
"There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance." - Hippocrates
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