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Are Minions Vulnerable to anything?

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Are Minions Vulnerable to anything?

Post by Kilroy »

Yeah, basically like the title says, are they vunlerable to any type of augmentation -- flame, lightning, siver...
I ask this b/c I'm trying to make a "grinding stick" -- master greatsword w/ 2 exp augmentations and then if I can I'll get whatever hurts minions, or I'll just use silver and fight loads of undead.
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Post by DesR85 »

If I recall correctly, minions aren't vulnerable to any elemental augmentation at all (silver, flame, etc.). Using sharpening and/or Piercing augmentations are the only way of dealing more damage to them
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Post by Kilroy »

K, thanks much.
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Well, minions arn't particulaly hard, are they? so does it matter what their weaknesses are??
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Post by Kilroy » wrote:Well, minions arn't particulaly hard, are they? so does it matter what their weaknesses are??
I was just asking b/c 1 or 2 hitting something is nicer when you're grinding.
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Post by Durandal »

No, they're not vulnerable to any element. However, they do seem to be especially vulnerable to piercing augmentations because of their heavy armor, so you might try that.
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