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Should I restart or can my first PC (scoundrel) go the distance?

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Should I restart or can my first PC (scoundrel) go the distance?

Post by Tryloke »

Hi guys, as a noob to kotor but no stranger to the BG trilogy, IWD2, NWN and morrowind, I should have known better than to not read guides extensively beforehand. Last night I installed kotor and played to level 5, and after reading some guides more closely I would appreciate some advice on whether I should just start again, or whether this guy (originally sposed to be a savvy ninja/assassin type) will still be playable and fun.
I can't believe I chose the recommended stats :eek:
After just leveling up to lev5 he looks like this:
Str 10, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 14
Feats: Improved 2 weapon fighting & Melee weapon focus (just found out the dex to hit bonus is only for sabres, making him hopeless hand to hand at the moment). Does melee focus apply to lightsabres? If not is it a waste?
I've also spread his skills around a bit, not realising party member could account for them later, but with an emphasis on persuasion & stealth. Hmm.
I'm not after a meathead and like a well-rounded character, but I'm afraid he's just going to be a panzy...
So in your knowledge of the later game (I'm about to enter the Undercity of the first city), would I just be annoyed at this guy the whole time or could he become something cool if I shaped him right from here on? Worried I've wasted 4 points taking dex up to 16 at the start, and choosing a bad feat when the scoundrel gets minimal. Maybe a lightside scout would be better first off, then I could play a darkside scoundrel/consular second time around when I know what I'm doing?
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Post by fable »

I don't see why you couldn't win with your current character. Given the poor combat AI in the game, you could achieve victory with a lot worse; and in any case, Bioware deliberately allowed a lot of leeway in character configuration so that players weren't guessing the "only right path" throughout KotoR.
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Post by DarthMalevolent »

As Fable said, the AI in the game sucks... I'd say it sucks like a Dyson vacuum cleaner.

There's no reason you can't win with those stats - just go with it, play to the character's strengths, emphasize the stuff you like.
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Post by Tryloke »

Thanks guys, on your advice I've played on and he's fine, the wookie eats everyone for breakfast anyway. I'll save the powergaming for when I play through next time as a powerhungry DS nutcase. Cheers
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