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Yellow Dialogue/scene areas?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Neverwinter Nights 2, the Mask of the Betrayer expansion pack, the Storm of Zehir expansion pack, and the Mysteries of Westgate adventure pack.
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Yellow Dialogue/scene areas?

Post by Anodyne »


I did the (in the Origional NWN2) DebugMode command to view my influence/
open the influence editor, then left DebugMode, and now I have a plethora
of yellow areas that change my action icon to an initiate dialogue icon, and shows me the name of what is going to happen there.

Sometimes this makes it hard to move around.

Does anyone know how to turn this off?
I must have messed something up when I was in the DebugMode.
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Post by swcarter »

It sounds like debugmode is still on. Did you actually end debugmode (with the "debugmode 0" command), or did you just close the console? I don't think the debugmode status is saved, so if you load your game or exit the game and then restart it, then the yellow boxes should go away.

Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
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Post by Anodyne »

I was pretty certain I turned DebugMode off with the 0,
but yes, as soon as I quit and restarted the game they dissapeared.

Thank you.
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