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Can't Continue...

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Heuristic Park's Dungeon Lords.
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Can't Continue...

Post by ElfofFyre »

So I'm playing a multiplayer game with my friend. We went to the tower to talk to Emmindor, then went to Talendor and dropped off Galdryn's Horn.

When we return to the tower though, it gives us the same dialogue as the first time we went there. We go up to see Emmindor, and cannot get back down. Makes it pretty difficult to continue the game. :mad:

The first time we went through the game together, this did not happen, but we're stuck now. We have a game saved back in Ulm, right after talking to Emmindor the first time, right before placing the horn down, and right after. If I try bringing things up after talking to Emmindor, but before going to Talendor, the same thing happens. If I go talk to Emmindor again (without placing the horn) his servant doesn't want to let us up. We try to leave, and he lets us up...we go talk to Emmindor, and he says to hurry on to Talendor...and once again we're stuck up there.

On a side note (not sure if this one is an error or not) I took a Eastern Lords class. Do we have to finish completely with Emmindor before we can get the 2nd tier? I've finished Ulm, saved the son, killed the guy at the House of Lords, went back to talk to the woman at the inn, but still can't turn over the dragon's egg I have.


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Post by swcarter »

Dungeon Lords seems to have a lot of problems in multiplayer, especially at Emmindor. Or maybe Emmindor is just where people give up, so we never hear about later problems. Anyway, you might try searching for "multiplayer" and see if you find anything helpful.

The drake egg quest isn't linked to the main questline at all. You should be able to turn in the egg whenever.

Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
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