Yes, I know this is basically a strategy game, but it also has RPG elements. You setup your character's "dossier," for instance, which is an attractive Tropico equivalent of an RPG statistics screen. You choose a background, the method by which you rose to power, a pair of "qualities" and a pair of "flaws." These all interact, adding pluses and minuses much in the vein of Fallout, or Arcanum: If your chosen "rise to power" involved the choice Elected for Family Values, you'd get +15% support from the Religious Faction, +20% sense of liberty among the inhabitants, and +10 for your Tourist Rating. A flaw of Womanizer gives you -10% from the Religious Faction, and -10% from All Women's Respect. (What the lack of change from men on this says, I'd rather not go into.)
The game is SimCity-ish, but you have balance a range of extra issues: building industries vs building farms, commercial buildings, residences, trying to please as many factions as possible, issuing edicts, attempting to either pacify both the US and Russia, or put yourself squarely in one of the Powers' corners.
It's fun. I've only played it a bit, but I enjoy it--there's a lot of depth, here, though not as much personality and character interaction as I like.